to offer you the best services in the best prices worldwide,
with the signature and the guarantee of Zervas Art.

The hidden light
The artist tells us about hidden light, the light that we crave to see in every walk of life in our daily actions we pass the light. The beauty of following the glow is yet to be experienced. After that light pierced the darkness which began as a pinpoint of light, just a speck of light, enough to attract our attention. Anyone in this dark space, anyone of us, if we saw that light and we so desired it, we could all turn and go towards that light. Light, that is an energy from the universe, and it is an energy which glows all being on the earth. Although it is difficult for us to see the light itself. I have tried to make an expression that we can feel this kind of energy sent from above. I changed my technique of color paintings to techniques of color-light, then I made a success of visualization of the light. I named it “Hidden light”.
My paintings reflect how I feel inside. They are expressive, I want them to speak to you and bring out a bunch of emotions, with the subject matter, color, form, and lines. (Birth, life, and death).
Work Experience
- 2005 Kotebe college of Teacher Education
- 2006Afro Link Design studio
- 2009 Lycee G/Marriam (French school)
- 2012 Hawassa College of Techer Education
- 2012 Paint fashion design and modeling training Center
- 2016-present Ambo University Architecture and Urban Planning Department
- 2001 Grade 12 certificate (GCSE)
- 2004 B.F.A Art Education (Addis Ababa University School of fine arts and design)
- 2004 Certificate French language (Addis Ababa University)
- 2008 Certificate (L’InstituteUniversite formation de maitre de Bretagne, France)
- 2019 MFA masters of visual and performing art (Addis Ababa University)
- 2023 Post Gallery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2021 St. George art gallery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2019 St.George art gallery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2019 AlianceEthio-Francaise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2016 Galani, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2016 AlianceEthio-Francaise, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2015 UNDP, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2014 Aliance-EthioFrancaise coordinated by UNICEF Ethiopia
- 2013 Galleria TO.MO.CA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2013 Cork Wine, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2012 St.George gallery-Present Time-Permanente exhibition
- 2012 La Dolce Vita, Awassa, Ethiopia
- 2011 Hotel Pinna, Awassa, Ethiopia
- 2010 La Dolce Vite, Awassa, Ethiopia
- 2009 Hotel Pinna, Awassa, Ethiopia
- 2008 Modern art museum, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- 2007 Tourism Commission La Gacilly, France
- 2007 La Gacilly, France
- 2007 L’EspaceMarrote a Redon, France
- 2006 Sixt-sur-Aff, France
- 2006 Le centre de linguistique appliqué de l’universite de Franche-Comté, France
- 2005 Greec club
- 2004 Economic commission of Africa (ECA)
- 2004 Peter Herrmann Gallery, German
- 2004 Addis Ababa University School of fine arts and Design with 25 graduating students
- 2004 Addis Ababa University Technology Faculty (south)
- 2004 Gallery Wit, Netherlands
- 2002 Sheraton Addis
- 2002 Museum of Ethiopian studies, Addis Ababa University
- 2004 Free art “Filega” Workshop 2004- AAU
- 2008 Free art “Filega” Workshop 2008 Modern art Museum
- 2010 Kid’s Drawing skills, kids’ art festival
- 2009 Art and Development
- 2015 Animation workshop at Spain Embassy given by famous animator Coke Riobóo In A.A


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

Talk with the artist to manage and buy the artworks that you love, in the best prices.
If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Thank you in advance for your interest