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Sculpture, photography, installation, site specifics
Associated Professor Sculpture Department UNA (National University of Arts) Bucharest (from 1922 – till present; between 1995 and 2006 Head of Sculpture Department).
Member of The Royal Society of Sculpture.
Born in
4.05.1959,Zlatna, Romania
Str. ErmilPangratti, nr. 31, sector 1, Bucharest
Dup is one of the most representative artists of his generation, with a well-articulated “personal brand” that combines the so-called postmodern artistic vocabulary with his own artistic explorations.
During the 1980s and ’90s, Dup worked within a neo-expressionist type of figuration, expressed mainly in wood and metal, revealing dramatic visions upon the human condition. In recent years his art has become diversified and enriched, constantly and methodologically, while expanding the range of references and reasons.
Dup is an innovator of sculptural vocabulary, remarkable especially for the variety of “non-artistic” materials (especially common plastic objects) used in the process, his interest in physical and anatomical fragmentation, the use of digital image production procedures and, as a general feature, the appropriation of an extremely important role to color, always transmitted in vivid, strong, almost talkative shades.
In 2004, Dup was awarded the Order of Cultural Merit in the Degree of Knight, and in 2007 he received the Excellence Award of the Union of Visual Artists. In 2012 and 201 the Sculpture Award of the Romanian Union of Artists. 2016 The Brancusi Award of the Romanian Academy, Romanian Cultural Institute, Brancusi Center Targu Jiu.
His works can be found in private collections in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, USA, and Romania.
2002-2004 – Phd in Arts with the thesis: “Saint George, hero of the Christian Eastern iconography”,Unarte Publishing House – Bucharest, 2006.
1978-1983 – UNA, Bucharest, Sculpture Department
2014 – Order of theCultural Merit of Romania
2013 – BrâncuşiGrant, ICR (Romanian Cultural Institute) / Cité des Arts Paris
2012 – The Prize for Sculpture / the Romania Artists Union (UAP)
2008 – The Prize of the Culture Ministry for the 8 art+, Bucharest
2007 – The Excellency Prize of UAP
2007 – GeneralitatValenciana Grant, Valencia, Spain (workshop Politecnico University)
1995 – The Italian Governmental Grant, Rome
1992 – The Prize for Ambiental Art of the RomanianArtists Union (UAP)
1992 – The Prize for Sculpture, The Municipality Townhall, Bucharest
1991 – The DzintariJurmala Residence, Riga
1998 – The Youth Prize -Drawing Biennial, Arad
1985–1987 – The Frederick Storck Grant, Bucharest
1984 – The Artists Union (UAP) Grant
1983 – The First Prize for Sculpture, Studentfest, Sibiu
2016 – Cultural Association Combinart/1+1=10
2007–2010 – 8art+ Group
2022 – Grand Parade of lifeless packages- Centrul de Interes, Cluj-Napoca
2021 – ALLwreadymade, STRATA Gallery, Bucharest
2020 LOREM IPSUM – Craiova Art Museum,
2016 –The Pink Wheel, Oracle building, site specific, Bucharest
2016 – Artist Presentation, MNAC, Bucharest
2016 – Art at the window,Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
2016 AXIS MUNDI#4, site-specific installation, The Romanian Peasant Museum, Bucharest
2015 AXIS MUNDI#3, site-specific installation, The District Museum of Gorj, Târgu-Jiu, Romania
2014 AXIS MUNDI#2, site-specific installation, The Contemporary Art Gallery, The Brukenthal Museum of Fine Arts, Sibiu, Romania
2014 AXIS MUNDI#1, site-specific installation, The Brâncoveneşti Palaces Cultural Centre, Mogoşoaia, Romania
2011 – New Sculptures, Kovalenco Gallery, Geldrop, Holland
2011-2010-2009 – Zervasart, Patras, Greece (painting)
2007 – Baia Mare, sculpture park, Romania
2006 – Cisnădie Townhall, Cisnădie, Romania
1995 – The George Apostu Cultural Centre, Bacău, Romania
1994 – Groot Schuylenburg, the Netherlands
1994 – Sângeorz-Băi, Romania
1993 – Mraconia, Romania
1992 – sculpture park BorchelenSchaft, the Netherlands
1992 – Sibiu, Romania
1991 – DzintariJurmala, Riga
1985; 1983 – Măgura Sculpture Park,Buzău, Romania
2022 reUNIONS of Artists – Transmedia Peace Kit, GaleriaRaykoAlexiev, Sofia
2022 Portret / Autoportret / Selfie, Rezidenta Scena 9
2022 How to explain…/Cum saexplici, Museumof Art Cluj Napoca
2021 How to explain…/Cum saexplici…Expozitie centenar J Beuys, Goethe Institute, Bucuresti
2021 Artmarket Budapest. Galeria Strata
2021 SNAC CFP București
2021 ARTSAFARI București
2019 SNAC CFP București
2019 ManifestPolitica/ UAP Oradea
2019 ManifestPolitica/ ICR Budapesta
2019 PolitikaiManifesztum-SzepharomKozossegi Ter, Budapesta, Ungaria
2019 Construcție / Deconstrucție, ParlamentulEuropean, Bruxelles
2019 Il viaggiodelRinoceronte, ICR Lisabona, Portugalia
2019 Arte Laguna World/ https://artelaguna.world/artist/dup-darie/
2018 HERITAGE//Contemporary Art/Act, Sighișoara
2018 #isday, International Sculpture Day, HalaTurnătoria, CombinatulFondului Plastic
2017 Dada on Tour: Last stop Bucharest, PMB princreart, with Cabaret Voltaire
Zurich, under the patronage of Swiss Embassy,GaleriaTipografia, CombinatulFondului Plastic
2017 Balassi by Night, exhibition, action-painting
2017 100 Romanian contemporary artist’sinterview
2017 The IV Intercultural Romanian Korean exhibition, Korea, Boryeong Si Museum, Korea
2017 Out of the Box, GaleriaHazelaar, NL
2017 Multiverse, Darie Dup / Laura Covaci- Materia Repositorium
2016 – Hyperconnectivity, Many Colors Association, ICR Berlin
2016 –The Collection in the Archives, curators Adriana Oprea and Irina Radu, MNAC, Bucharest
2015 – C.A.R. Contemporary Art, Ruhr/ KunstMesse, Essen, Germany
2015 – Arts in Bucharest, Man Against Life, Arthalle Gallery, Bucharest
2015 – Kovalenco Gallery, Geldrop, Holland
2014 – 150 years- UNA. The Artistic Education, curator Adrian Guţă, MNAC, Bucharest
2014 – Sculpture 2014, TIPOGRAFIA gallery, Bucharest
2014 – Arts in Bucharest, TIPOGRAFIA gallery, Bucharest
2013 – Black Trees, drawing installation, Les Atelieres de la Rue Ordener, Paris
2013 – Trees by nails -video, 8’, (video camera Veronique Barbé), Cité des Arts Paris
2011 – Kovalenco Gallery, Geldrop, the Netherlands
2011 – ZOOmania, curator Mihai Oroveanu, MNAC, Bucharest
2011 – The Other Body, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest
2009 – The Bronze Age, The Art Museum,Cluj,m Romania
2008 – 8art+, curator Mihai Oroveanu, Dalles Hall, Bucharest, ICR Madrid, ICR Paris, ICR Lisabona
2007 – Homage to Brâncuşi, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, Mumbai, India
2007 – The trace of my body in space, with Reka Csapo Dup, UNA Gallery,
2006 – Group exhibition, the Art Museum, Cluj,Romania
2004 – Self-portrait, Mogoşoaia Palace, Bucharest
2000 – Ecce Homo, Hazelaar Gallery, Soest, the Netherlands
1998 – Romanian Art Abroad,Mucsarnok, curator Laszlo Beke, Sorin Dumitrescu, Budapest
1998 – ZeitgenössicheRumänische Kunst, Leipzig Book Fair, curator Mihai Oroveanu, Leipzig, Germany
1995 – Edizione Centenario Biennale di Venezia, The Romanian Pavillion, curators CoriolanBabeţi and Dan Hăulică, Venice, Italy
1995 – Deventer Gallery, the Netherlands
1995 – Catacomba Gallery, Bucharest
1994 – Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
1994 – Artexpo, Bucharest
1994 – Simeza Gallery, Bucharest
1993 – Hazelaar Gallery, Soest, the Netherlands
1992 – World Exhibition – Sevilla – The Era of Discovery, The Romanian
Pavillion, curators Mihai Oroveanu and CoriolanBabeţi, Sevilla, Spain
1992 – Sculpture Symposium, BorchelEnSchaft, the Netherlands
1991 – Auriga, Orizont Gallery, Bucharest
1990 – 9+9, Dalles Hall, curator Mihai Oroveanu, Bucharest
1990 – Darie Dup and Maria Cocea-Sculptures and Drawings, Simeza Gallery,
2010 – The XXII-nd Sculpture International Conference, Sculpture Center, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London
2009 – Sculpture in the 21-st Century, Workshop with William Tucker, Darie Dup
and Reka Csapo Dup, UNA, Bucharest
Auriga-The Soldier Step, Stephan Janssen Collection, State University Art Museum, Phoenix, U.S.A.
King Michael of Romania Collection, Bucharest
The National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC), Bucharest
The Art Museum, Bacău
The Art Museum, Galaţi
Several private collections in Romania, Switzerland, France, Germany.
2012 – Nicolae Titulescu, Rizari Park, Athens
2005 – Andrei Şaguna monument, Andrei Şaguna University, Constanţa, Romania
2004 – Monument Project, Sfântul Gheorghe, Romania
Măgura Sculpture Park, Romania
BorchelEnSchaft Sculpture Park, the Netherlands
Arta Magazine, Sculpture, No. 8-9, Bucharest, 2013.
Arta Magazine, Art in public space, No. 1, Bucharest, 2011.
Reflexions about a discovered house, Stefania Kenley / Darie Dup, in Arhitectura
No. 1, 2011.
Mihai Oroveanu, Artists’ Studios, Darie Dup, vol. 1, pp. 47-51, Noi Media Print, Bucharest, 2008.
Mircea Deac, Critical and documentary LEXICON. Painters, Sculptors and Drawers from Romania, Medro Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008.
Romanian Rhapsody. The NGMA plays host to yet another international
exhibition, Georgina Maddox, ArtBeat, in The Indian Express, Mumbay,
10 December 2007, India.
Substance for feelings- Darie Dup, Corina Boisnard, in Caesar, No. 26, 2006.
Biennale di Venezia- Ein Rundgang, in KUNSTFORUM, No. 31/1995 p. 159.
Constantin Prut, Darie Dup, L’ArtRoumain, ReperesContemporains,
- 37, UAP Publishing House, Bucharest, 1995.
Other articles about the artist in journals and art magazines: Adevărul, Arhitext,Arhitectura, Arta, Artelier, DilemaVeche, Igloo,Observatorul Cultural, RomâniaLiterară, and other publications with texts by:
Laszlo Beke,CoriolanBabeţi, RuxandraBalaci, Mihai Oroveanu, Adrian Guţă,
AndraMatzal, Gheorghe Iova, Simona Năstac, Adela Văetişi, Theodor Redlow,
Alexandra Titu, and many others.
CATALOGUES (selection):
Darie Dup Axis Mundi #3, text by Gheorghe Iova, Museum ofTârgu Jiu,
Darie Dup Axis Mundi #1, text by ReliMocanu, Mogosoaia Palace, Bucharest, 2014.
150 years of National Art University (UNA), Bucharest, 2014.
Elisabeta Palace, the Royalty Center in Romania nowadays, Prince Radu of
Hohenzollern-Veringen, Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest. 2006.
Versions of Transfiguration, László Beke, Sorin Dumitrescu, Mucsarnok/Anastasia, Budapest, 1998.
ZeitgenössicheRumänische Kunst, Adrian Guţă, RuxandraBalaci, Mihai Oroveanu, Leipzig, Germany, 1998.
Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960, Soros Center for Contemporary Art, coordinator Alexandra Titu,Bucharest, 1997.
L’ Eredità di Brancusi in Romania: dal tagliodirettoallasculturamentale,
1965-1995, CoriolanBabeţi, Ed. Arte in, IstitutoRomeno di Cultura e RicercaUmanistica, Venezia, 1995.
Belden in Soest 93, De Hazelaar, Soest, the Netherlands, 1993.


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