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I define myself an expansive person which is a positive characteristic of my artistic outbursts, projects and explorations. It happened so that since my teenage years, when I was still a student at TsankoLavrenov Art School in Plovdiv, graphic art drew my attention.
My attitude towards graphic art gradually developed during the next stages of my artistic education and my teachers contributed a great deal to that. At the beginning, I found inspiration in reproductions of Renaissance paintings which amazed me with their elegance and the skillful creation of volume, shape and space.
Strange as it may seem, the art of painting didn’t interest me. On the contrary, I felt a certain level of disstisfaction towards it. In this period I drew lots of graphic compositions in which I alternated fantasy motives provoked by Salvador Dali. His paintings impressed me a lot though I didn’t entirely understand the messages he conveyed. In any case, his strange visions had impact on my not so mature artistic thinking. I am very fond of this graphic world in which I am able to express emotions, transient conditions and feelings.
While growing and learning, I started to understand the profound links of graphic art with the interaction of colours and the state of my mind. Hot and cold lines, erupting flamboyant colours, decorative composition of elements in friezes, realizing the synthesis and ballance in the composition between graphic design, graphic art and paining of a given work be it on a canvas, mural or even bodyart – all that seems to formulate my attitude towards art.
My style is being built step by step. It is blended with my positive standpoint to life by reflecting on the moments of motion and moments of stillness, in the state of progression. I find provocation in the surrounding world and my explorations are diverse. However, the main messages my works carry are the joy that life brings me, the seized moments of happiness, and my puisuits to keep the ballance between reality and fantasy.
I strive my works to convey the romantic spirit of old fairy tails, the song tradition of our folklore, and to chatch the rich colourful cobninations in the traditional fabrics of my people. All these characteristics are situated in the context of modern art offering many challenges in which I find new temporal and special dimensions.
I hope to discover and create every day because the process of art itself through which I pass is a guarantee for my sense of belonging to art and its infinity.
– 2007 – 2011 Bachelors degree at Graphic Design and Photography” at the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv (Prof. Nikolay Lautliev) Graduated with:
– Graphic Design Project
– Photography Exhibition
– Average grade on State Exams
– 2004 – 2005 One year “Pedagogy of Fine Arts” at the Academy of Music, Dance and
Fine Arts, Plovdiv
– 1999 – 2004 Secondary Education: Graphic Art at “TsankoLavrenov” High school in
14.05.2011 3rd prize at Start up, Elevator Pitch (Contest for Young
Entrepreneurs, part of the author’s idea-SENSUAL BODY ART
THERAPY-Achieving relax by drawing on the body), Plovdiv, Bulgaria
1999 2nd prize at the contest between collage art schools in the country
“Give a person something that no person” Anti-AIDS Campaign 1999 and
touring-exhibition of the 50 best pictures.- Sofia, Bulgaria
15.06.2010 Sensual Body Art Therapy – a method for achieving relaxation by
drawing on the body (ORIGINAL PRODUCT)
02.04.2014 Debut solo exhibition of paintings “Transformation”, the Gallery of Modern Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
01.07.2011 “Exhibition Graphic Design and Act Black and White Photography”,
Balabanov House, the Old Town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
13.05.2011 Presented photography at the “Elastic” exhibition, Ancient Baths, Plovdiv
01.12.2010 Debut solo exhibition of paintings “The colors of my soul”, while
projecting my body art works, including a live demonstration of painting
on the body – Art club Basquat, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2009 Participation in an exhibition “5 years Class of 2004” with the glass held
in the National Gallery of Art, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2000 Participation in an Exhibition “Life Without AIDS” – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
03.10. 2011 Participation in “Charity for Children Suffering from Rare Diseases” – a
charity campaign at “Helicon” bookstore, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2008 Participation in “The Night of Museums and Galleries” Art Festival in
Plovdiv in general photographic exhibition held in “The Blue School”, at
the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
01 – 07.07.2014 Тook part in “The World Bodypainting Festival 2014” in Pörtschach, Austria.
13.12.2011 Organized Birthday Body Art in Sofia, Bulgaria
02.12.2011 Organized Body Art Show in club Avenue, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
09.11.2011 Body Art demonstration – Chic&Cozy “Angels and Demons in club
Maskara, Sofia, Bulgaria
29.10.2011 Body Art demonstration at the Italian Festival of Beauty and Hairstyle,
International Fair Plovdiv, Bulgaria
28.10.2011 Halloween Party Body Art Demonstration, club Chervilo, Plovdiv,
28.10.2011 Demonstration at a Halloween Body Art School Party, Trade School,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
15.10.2011 Organized “Hair and Body Art Show”, club Marmalade, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
30.09.2011 Body Art Demonstration at “United Colors of Music”, club Yalta, Sofia,
15.09.2011 Organized Animal Body Art, Bansko, Bulgaria
04.09.2011 Body Art Demonstration at “I Like Fest”, Central square, Plovdiv
26.08.2011 Organized “Hair and Body Art Show”, club Marmalade, St. Vlas,
01.07.2011 Organized Body Art “July Morning Coffee”, NebetTepe, the Old Town of
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
10.06.2011 Body Art Demonstration at the promotion campaign of Desperados beer,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
01– 03.04.2011 Body Art Demonstration at the XVII Italian Festival
of Beauty and Hairstyle, International Fair Plovdiv, Bulgaria
26.03.2011 Body Art Demonstration at “Into the Light” café, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
30.10.2010 Body Art Show at the Halloween Party of DjPacho& Pepo, club Opium,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
25.09.2010 “Night of Museums and Galleries” in Tobacco warehouses
involved with Body Art Performance, in which the author presents her
idea of “Sensual Body Art Therapy”- a method for achieving relaxation
by drawing on the body – Plovdiv, Bulgaria
“Get to know your body by painting”.
Art brings you all the beauty of the surrounding world and is an inexhaustible source of positive emotions.
One of the most important functions of the aura is to absorb bioenergy – light energy in order to fuel our invisible bodies. Seven color vibrations of light can enter our bodies through the aura that surrounds us.
The aura is composed of many beautiful color vibrations that are invisible. They create a sort of an egg shell around our bodies. Pulsating colors of the aura reflect our health condition and are constantly changing depending on moods, feelings, thoughts and our state. Problems in some areas are being designed as a bulge or traces on the aura. Energy blockages also occur immediately, that is why the nature of the aura is very important for color therapists.
The first is physical, which represents the physical and the etheric body.
The etheric body is a complete copy of the physical one, but it does vibrate at a higher level and is therefore invisible to the eye. As in the energy layer of the Earth – the ozone layer, in the essential bodies can appear holes which can let deeper inside harmful vibrations. Blockages and imbalances are projected onto the etheric body long before they manifest on the physical. However, they can be cured by color vibrations before giving effect to its physical counterpart. Therefore the main objective of a color therapist is to add and adjust the needed missing colors and harmonize the etheric body.
The second layer of the aura is composed of emotional and intellectual bodies.
The emotional body is often known as astral and – as its name suggests, is associated with feelings. We ourselves feel the influence of color on mood. We see some of them as inspiring and uplifting, while others – as oppressive. Sometimes we use expressions related to color without really thinking about the hidden meaning of words. The other half of this layer-intellectual body – can be divided into upper and lower. The lower part of the mind is associated with learned responses and models that are adopted as children. The upper part is related to the soul and gives us the creative and intuitive abilities.
The third layer of the aura consists of three spiritual bodies, which are our connection to the universe.
We are associated with divine power embodied in the cosmic rays of white light through a system of body energy centers known to the ancient Indians as chakras. Individual color vibrations are attracted to different energy centers that vibrate at the same frequency as the color does. Energized center or chakra sends positive vibrations of the body systems, organs and glands.
Pure white light energy enter into the aura through the crown chakra and passes through the pineal gland, which divides the light in its seven color components. It sends rays to the essential energy centers, chakras, to give them vitality. Each of the beams has a length and a frequency of their waves. It contains a certain energy and vibrations that have specific qualities and influence on us. The slowest waves of red and yellow are warming and stimulating. The most short and rapid flashes of turquoise blue and purple are soothing and refreshing. Green is neither hot nor cold, it maintains harmony among all the other elements.Therefore, green is used for medical treatment and development of our cells and tissues.
Every part of our physical body and our body functions are sensitive to different colors as each organ vibrates at the frequency of a certain color. When an organ or a gland functions poorly, they lose their inherent vibration – just like lost radio signal due to poor alignment. When we enhance the signal or the vibration of the color, the body will be energized and will on the other side clear the whole reception. Thus the balance of the body will be restored. We can strengthen the impact of some colors on our health when we are / on purpose/ surrounded by them in our everyday life.
This relationship between colors and human organs has been advocated for centuries in Eastern philosophies and religions. Even in European culture, it is to be found in various idioms. For example, the green color is associated with the heart, so we green with envy as we realize that jealousy comes from the heart, the center of emotions. Red is the color of the basic energy center. It symbolizes anger, which increases the temperature and heart rate and literally makes us get red-colored. When we wave a red flag in front of a bull, that makes it angry, although bulls are color-blind. The bull feels the red vibration, which increases his aggressive energy. We extract vital energy for our physical bodies through the main energy center or chakra. Then it goes through every cell and fills it with life.
And different colors have different energy and a different frequency and wavelength, which leads to different effects on any physical and mental state. Numerous studies and observations have shown that different colors lead to the establishment of balance in our physical and emotional functions.
The true purpose of “SENSUAL BODY ART THERAPY” is by drawing on the body to reach a state of relaxation, peace, harmony and calmness.
For this purpose the ambience itself plays a very important role, but it must be comfortable, pleasant, light shouldn’t be too bright: aromatic candles, incense, meditation and relaxing music, a cup of tea or wine, all in an atmosphere filled with harmonious colors, paintings and works of arts.
One of the most powerful tools available to art are the colors. They embody the diversity of the surrounding world: the dance of colors brings peace and harmony in our hearts.
Each color has a different impact on our body. In addition, different flavors can help us to really relax and get rid of stress accumulated throughout the day.
The seven basic colors that affect us resemble the seven chakras – energy centers of the body and are often used as a method to relieve tension and relaxation.
Influence of color
Basic colors:
Red (chakra1) – activate, revitalize, deeply releases blocked energy, strengthens the senses.
Blue (chakra 5) – calm, focus, collects and structures energy, regulate hyperactivity.
Yellow (Chakra 3) – strengthens, tones, opens the mind, clears the mind, increases energy, strengthens the nervous system.
Additional colors:
Green (chakra 4) – balance, relax, calm, relieve tension associated with painful processes.
Orange (chakra 2) – Restore inspires, warms, stimulates, has a much more gentle effect in comparisson to red light, unlocking blocked processes, cheers up.
Violet (chakra 7) – inspire, transforms the energy on a higher level, supports mental processes, relaxes the nervous system, calms nervous irritation, soothes pain.
Indigo (chakra 6) – cleanses the blood stream, soothing and astringent, helps in all nervous diseases, helps to relieve symptoms of asthma, convulsions, whooping cough.
Aromatherapy is an alternative method that can be applied in different ways – through massage, aroma lamps, baths, inhalations.
Extremely pleasant and efficient method that aims to get rid of fatigue, tension, daily stress. The effect of aromatherapy is based on the ability of aromas to arrive in the olfactory nerve, the part of the brain that controls the endocrine system. On the other hand the molecules of chemical substances penetrate through the skin into the bloodstream and influence in a certain way the nerve endings, causing the necessary reaction.
Music sets proportional order and harmony in the universe, including the disturbed harmony of the human body. The influence of music on the body is explained by the effect of sound vibrations. The sounds create energy fields that make each cell of the body to resonate. We consume energy music and it normalizes the rhythm of breathing, pulse, blood pressure, temperature, eliminates muscle tension. The music has a positive effect, creates positive emotions, eliminate internal contradictions, soothes and adjusts the wave of love. This is a prerequisite for the moment when body, soul and feelings will merge in perfect harmony …. By “SENSUAL BODY ART THERAPY” we examine the body to find out how it reacts most sensitive to touch. Virtually every part of the human body ( by man or woman) is sensitive to touch, but there are places where the feeling is stronger, and these are called erogenous zones.
The skin of the human body has many nerve endings, but for us the most important are those of the group of mechano-receptors that allow us to feel different feelings of touch, with haemo-receptors, which analyze the chemical compounds responsible for flavor and taste. The closest to the surface of the skin are free nerve endings. They react to pain, cold and prolonged sense of touch. All sensory information is sorted in the brain as different parts of it receive information from various sensory organs. The size of these areas is proportional to the importance of the senses. Areas for aroma and flavor are relatively small, but that of touch covers a wide range. As with other senses by touch we have different thresholds of response.
The client is lying comfortably, which predisposes to greater effect on relaxation. Drawing on the body is done by different sized brushes. They themselves resemble fondling acting, which makes the body feel pleasant and relaxed. When you touch it it pours strange and very effective force able to unlock the imagination and to provoke, to move the imagination and free the mind to find a new sense of self. Your body becomes a unique and unrepeatable work of art that represents your soul.
By painting the “SENSUAL BODY ART THERAPY” aims to create different sensations and perceptions of people. It does provoke his imagination and fantasy. It is a real self-discovery and helps relieve the mind from stress and negative thoughts. The balance of mind is thoroughlyre stored.
My style is being built step by step. It is blended with my positive standpoint to life by reflecting on the moments of motion and moments of stillness, in the state of progression. I find provocation in the surrounding world and my explorations are diverse. However, the main messages my works carry are the joy that life brings me, the seized moments of happiness, and my puisuits to keep the ballance between reality and fantasy.
I strive my works to convey the romantic spirit of old fairy tails, the song tradition of our folklore, and to chatch the rich colourfulcobninations in the traditional fabrics of my people. All these characteristics are situated in the context of modern art offering many challenges in which I find new temporal and spacial dimensions.
I hope to discover and create every day because the process of art itself through which I pass is a guarantee for my sense of belonging to art and its infinity.


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

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If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.

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