Title: ATCL near the Bay of Jounie

Title: Nude alone in her thoughts

to offer you the best services in the best prices worldwide,
with the signature and the guarantee of Zervas Art.

Professional experience
2013 History of art prof at AUST Beirut
2012 Art critic- cultural section- l Orient le jour newspaper
2011-15 USJ Masters critique d art & curatoriat
Memoire:research on form and the nude
2008-Intro to master painter Harout Torossian’s exhibit catalogue (Paris Beaux arts 1956)Art professor at ALBA Beirut
USJ Masters Information & communication
2004-H.Matisse comparison with Picasso
2003 -essay Theodore Chasseriau
Memoire: a social-cultural parcours 2002-12
2002-essay Caravaggio
2001-04Académie Michel-Ange
Diploma d’arts plastiques
1979-80 USJ licence psychology
1973-75 USJ diploma- general studies
Psychology & sociology June 1972
College notre dame de Nazareth
Baccalauréat français -mathématiques
Collective exhibits:
1/ Lebanon
– 2001 Beirut Gemmayze steps
– July 2003 Beirut :Arts of Bazerkan st
– 2003 Encounter of Byblos & the Arts
Seacastle Byblos
-August 2003 Jezzine .Heritage festival
– 2003-2019 Verdun Beirut
« Galerie Chahine »continuous exhibits
– May 2004 Medical order
1st Spring exhibit
2/ France, Paris:
– Jan 2004 French -lebanese exhibit at the office of Lebanese tourism
3/ Syria, Damascus :
– April 2004 ‘meeting of the universal figurative art ‘
Solo exhibits:
– May 2016 Beirut: Solo exhibit at UNESCO under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

Talk with the artist to manage and buy the artworks that you love, in the best prices.
If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.

We will contact you as soon as possible
Thank you in advance for your interest