to offer you the best services in the best prices worldwide,
with the signature and the guarantee of Zervas Art.

Since I can remember I love colors, painting and drawing. I started my search between fabrics, threads, wool and various paintings. I investigated decorative painting, cartapesta, cards, leather crafts, embroidery and fabrics.
I came into the world 12 years ago oil painting and backstage in “El Vitral” directed by Cristina Galeano. There i found my (abstract) style in which I can express my creativity from the heart. Between emotions and mysticism. I use several techniques and extensive list of materials on the canvases that I prepare myself.
- Cutting and sewing teachers (Balestrino Institute- Montevideo)
- Plastic art Cultural Center “El Vitral” (from 2010 to today)
– Bachicha Rodriguez (Carmelo)
-Muralist Guillermo Fernández (Workshop “Against the wall” muralism Library
Municipal Dolores)
-Encaustic: Laura Montanaro workshop (Buenos Aires)
-Decorative painting (3 years)
-Cartapesta (1 year)
-Card (1 year)
-Fabric flowers (1 year)
-Leather crafts (1 year)
-Tissues (2 years)
-Embroidery (1 year)
Group Exhibitions:
-Annual since 2010 (El Vitral Cultural Center)
-San Gregorio de Polanco (mural sports square)
-Paz y Unión Recreational Center (Daniela Recoba invitation)
-Intermittent exhibition “Puerta del Plata” (2014)
-Show House of Culture Mercedes (invitation Association of Artists of Soriano)
-Exhibition Atellier “Antonella Viazzi” (Punta del Este 2018)
-Participation with 22 works selected for Digital Numerology Agenda (2016)
-Participation in the “Pintó Dolores” movement after the tornado that destroyed a large
part of the city
-Show “Painters of Soriano” in homage to Trinidad Guevára (House of Culture
mercedes 2018)
-Exhibition in tribute to Mario Benedetti “El Vitral” (2020)
-Virtual Expo “Arte Adiscar” (Martgui Lopez) “The party of color” (Spain – Uruguay)
-Exhibition “House of Culture” of Dolores (Dolores Week, September 2021)
-Exhibition “On Wheel” (Santa Cantalina 2021)
-“Awareness against gender violence” (Plaza Constitución- Dolores, November 2021)
-“Night of the Museums” (Baron de Mauá – Mercedes, December 2021)
-”Museo Maeso” (Villa Soriano, December 2022)
-“Inauguration Paseo de los Artesanos” (Balneario La Concordia, January 2022)
-”Kibón Mystical Expo” (Montevideo, March 2022)
-“Creative Women of Yesterday and Today” (Eusébio Giménez-Mercedes Museum, May 2022)
– “National Spring Festival poster project Dolores 60 years” (Artistic Invasion)
– Auction: “Time is Brain and Art Heals” (Mercedes, July 2022)
-Shows 60 years National Spring Festival Dolores (House of Culture
Dolores 2022)
-Contest “Uruguayan Association of Literature and Art” “Welcome Spring” (First special mention, September 2022)
– Show “Grills and Wines” Live painting (Camoatí-Dolores, November 2022)
– Exhibition “El Vitral Cultural Center” (Camoatí-Dolores, December 2022)
Personal Growth:
-Eastern philosophy
-Art of living
-Magnified Healing


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

Talk with the artist to manage and buy the artworks that you love, in the best prices.
If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.

We will contact you as soon as possible
Thank you in advance for your interest