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Academic teaching
Oct ’06/May 2017 L.A.U.Beirut,Lebanon F/T.Lecturer in the Fine Arts &Foundation Program:
Drawing 1/2 Sketching2D/3D Design Painting 2/3
Oct ’97/ June’06 L.A.U. Beirut/Assistant Professor in the Fine Arts Dept:
2D/3DDesignDrawing 1/2 Painting1
Oct 93/Sep’ 97B.U.CFine Arts F/T instructor: 2D Design Drawing1Painting1/2 /3 /4
Oct’ 92 /June ’93B.U.C.Beirut Fine ArtsP/T instructor :2-D Design and Painting( extension program)
Spring ‘91 A.U.B ,Beirut. Architecture school. Taught a lower level sculpture class
Elementary school teaching/ private tutoring
Nov 2021 A children’s worshop “Lebanese independence day”with ‘30/30 art space’ Abir Baltagi/ Beirut
Summer ’18 Gave some art workshops for children. Fabriano/Verdun st/Beirut
Gave some art tutorials to a few adult students
Fall ‘82/’84 Taught Extension program children’s art classes/B.U.C./Beirut
Oct’ 80/ June ’81 Taught nursery scribbling stage school children/Jureidini nursery school/Beirut
Jan ’88 -May ’90 PRATT INSTITUTE, Brooklyn, N.Y. MFA degree in Painting .
Sept. ’81 – June’ 86BEIRUT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Beirut, Lebanon.
BS Degree (in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Fine Arts),
an External Degree Program affiliated with S.U.N.Y, Albany; N.Y.
Sept.’ 82 – May. ’84BUC,Beirut. AA Degree in Advertising Design .
Sept. ’79 -May ’80 GOLDSMITH’S COLLEGE OF ART, University of London, England.
Completed the first year of a BFA program in Painting
Developed Figurative Drawing andPainting
Sept. ’78 – May ’79CHELSEA SCHOOL OF ART,LondonFoundation course in Fine Arts,
including sculpture,graphic design,life drawing,and lectures.
Fluency in:English,French,Arabic and some Italian.
Knowledge of computer use (incl targa 16/’89)
Photography and dark room knowledge.
All sorts of Printmaking skills
Travels & Related art events
July 2016 Co-curating a 16 lebanese artists ‘exhibit “Vento d’Oriente”
at Loreta Larkina’s Arte Studio / San Stae/Venice/ Italy
Visiting various art museums& collections worldwide including
Venice Contemporary Art Biennales(’17’15/’13/’11/’09/’07/’05)
Organization of art related travel groups with undergrad students( attendance of
Art museums & exhibits(Paris ’08/Italy ’09/London ’10)
June ’10 Printmaking workshop/Linda Goodman/Florence/Italy
July ’07 Graphic work in artists’ booksAAlcaraz at KAUS Urbino Italy
June ’06 Printmaking workshop/Linda Goodman/Florence/Italy
Spring ’06 Stone lithography at ALBA/Beirut in collaboration with Y Aoun
Nov ’05-Jan’05 Mosaics workshop/Lebanese Italian cultural program
Marco Bravuraand Ravenna artistsl Fabriano /Mar Roukos Lebanon
Aug ’05 Alma Ortolan studio/Vittorio Veneto/ItalyFresco painting course
July ’05 Ceramic Raku course/David Davison/Accademia di Belle Arti
Pietro Vannucci/Perugia/Italy/Corsi estivi
July ’04 Art and marble workshops.L.Streeter/Pietrasanta/Italy/Marble and bronze
July ’84 – Aug. ’84 Pietro Vannucci Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia, Italy
(Summer Program )courses in Nude Drawing and in Ceramics
Jan ’23 – Lebanese Art Association(LAAPS) administrative committee member Beirut
Feb. ’93 Member of: Association des Artistes Peintres et SculpteursLibanais(LAAPS)
May. ’86 BEIRUT UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Beirut, Lebanon.
Received the “Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan award” an annual award for an outstanding student in the Fine Arts at BUC.
Sept. ’84 -May ‘ 86 B.U.C. Dean’s list.
May ’84 B.U.C. Received an AA degree in Advertising Design (with honors ).
Nov ’22 National International & Folk artists /12th international Arts & Crafts Festival/New Delhi/India
Curator Shikha Gupta/Jungle Killol Foundation/National Crafts museum & Hastkala academy
Oct 15 ’22 Women Life Liberty Iran call for artists/Darroudi academy
Oct 14 ’22 WAAC Leon Art 1stVirtual World Art Biennale of Visual arts Photography Drawing Painting
May 29 ‘22Gemmayze st Art exhibit /LAAPS
May 6’22 Casa Italia/Unifil Sector west/Opera principessa di Piemonte/
curator Badawi / Lebanese Artists for Peace
April 23 ‘22Bkassine Tourism Day/Best Tourism Villages/LAAPS
March 21’22 International Forum of Arts & Crafts/ curator Yassine/ Lebanon /online ehibit
Feb 25-Mar 2 ‘22 Fete nationale de l’art libanais.Collective painting exhibit UNESCO Beirut.Syndicat & Laaps
2021-22 Eugenio Leonart online art exhibits .Participation with 3 works
Dec 15-28 Knock Knock Knock 28th International Art exhibition at Hanguk art museum Seoul South Korea
October 23-28 ’21 Recipient of Art Ambassador award for Lebanon QIAF Qatar International Art Festival
June 27 ’-3 Sept ‘21 Internationale d’art miniature de Quebec Canada 11eme edition .2 artworks at the Centre d’exposition Louise- Carrier
Spring 2021 Brand ambassador for Lebanon at the QIAF 2021.Involvement in inviting & recruiting artists for the event.The Art Festival event dates:Oct 23-28 at Katara cultural village Doha.
Sep 28 ’21 ‘We are Nature’ Iran Darroudi Academy of Visual arts invitation Mrs Roya Del Kosh Iran(online)
June ’21 4th Jogja international miniprint BiennaleJIMB 2020/21.Jakarta Indonesia.A print .
May’21 Leonart International group online exhibit.Ecuador
Spring’21 “Future vision of canvas” 66 artists 35 countries share their vision on video in a post-pandemic world after Covid19.Qatar MAPS International.Rashmi Agarwal curator.
Feb/Mar/April various international online Art exhibits worldwide
April ’21 joined Arleb online platform.https://arleb.org
March ’21 Iran Darroudi academy of visual arts/president Roya Delkosh :.Member of Global jury.First International online exhibition:The world after Covid19.
Jan ’21 Khajuraho EachIndia International Online exhibit.40 selected artists.
Jan ’21 “Virtual visual expression 2” Pagoda Group International Online exhibition Nepal/Painting
Jan’21 Sanskar Bharti “celebration of Indian Art”Online International art exhibition
Jan/Feb ’21 Pescedipace Venice/Italy .Nadia de Lazzari.Artist &Coordinator of 7 Lebanese artists’ project
Dec’20-Jan ’21 40thAsropa International Online Art exhibit in Korea.Dr Clemens Beungkun Sou
Dec ’20 Arte sin Frontiera International visual art exhibition .Online
Dec ’20 Peace & Unity through Art.International Online art exhibit.Filarts.Espacio.Manila Philippine.
Nov’20-Jan’21 40th Miniprint Internacional de Cadaques Barcelona L’Etang d’Art Nov’20 Bages /France
Oct ’20 17th International Triennial of Small Graphic forms Lodz.Poland.mixed media print
Oct ’20 “Colors of the Desert”International online art exhibit M.A.P.S.Qatar curated by Rashmi Agarwal
Oct’20 “Jump Over”online International online art exhibit WCAA/curated by Mrs Bosuk Lee/South Korea
Oct ’20 Contemporary Art Museum 2020/ Milano/collective Covid19 online exhibit curated by Yan Jing
Autumn’20 “Art for a cause”Beirut Relief 2020 .Alghina charity organization.Online
Oct ’20 “Resurrection” /Gemmayze st Art exhibit/ Laaps art(&ADG).Collective Painting
Sept ’20 “Virtual visual expression” Pagoda Group International Online Art Exhibition Nepal. Painting
Summer ’20 40th Mini Print Internacional de Cadaques Barcelona Spain (Adogi).Printmaking collective
August ’19 LAAPS Lebanon/Collective exhibits in Zahleh & Bekfaya
July ’19 LAAPS (&UNIC Beirut) A collective exhibit in Baakline’The Sustainable development goals”
April ’19 Snailmail postcard exhibit.Visual arts.Brampton.Ontario
Nov ’18 Participated in a collective Art & Design exhibit at Beit Beirut with the Kabbani family organization
Oct 28-Nov ’18 Tama Art University Tokyo mini-print Triennial.
Sept 2018 ‘Voice of God’ Otuzco Salpo Trujillo Lima through WCAA south Korea & ICAA Peru
June 2018 Osten museum of art.Submitted an artwork to the Drawing biennale collection
April-May 2018 Takween Art association collective exhibit at LIU Beirut/Painting submitted
April 2018 Ostraka Art festival/Mohd Hemida organizer/Sharmsheikh Egypt/Paintings
Mar 8 2018 WCAA International women s day exhibit/Nowon City hall Seoul S. Korea
Dec 8 2017 WCAA 19th International Academic Art Seminar ‘Anti War’
Eunbong Hall/ Induk University Seoul Korea/10 participating countries
Dec 6-12 ’17 WCAA 24th Seoul International Art Festival 2017 chaired by Bosuk Lee’Peace & Love’
Chosunilbo Museum in Seoul South Korea/46 participating countries
Nov 25-Dec 3‘17 WCAA World Culture Arts Association / 32ndInternational Painting Symposium “Love”
21 participating countries /Nowon Arts Creative Station in Seoul,South Korea
October ’17 Arte Studio Loreta Larkina Carrousel du Louvre Paris France.One work
Aug 2-8 ’17 Paesaggi in Laguna /Arte studio Loreta Larkina/ Collective International Art exhibit
Calle1958 La Fenice Venice Italy
July 8-23 Art Camp Kosovo /curator Kani Kaya /International art workshop Kosovo &a Balkan trip
Submitted 2 paintings
Summer 2017 16th International Triennial of Small Graphic Forms Poland Lodz . 2 mixed media prints
Summer 2017 Internationale d’Art Miniature de Quebec IAM Exhibited 2 artworks/acrylic on canvas
May’17 “Fluid Visions” collective SV gallery Saifi village Beirut
Spring ’17Snail mail postcard exhibit Visual arts Brampton
Sept ’16 Proletkult presentation on Art & Wars written by me.Images on wars throughout the ages
Sept 6-Dec ’16 Proletkult collective art exhibit.AUB Beirut.
Aug-Sept’16 “Cont’d”Solo exhibit/Varied artworks mostly Paintings/Ministery of tourism/Beirut
July’16 Art exhibit:16 Lebanese artists in Venice Italy “Vento d’Oriente”
Jan-July ’16 Co-curatedVento d ‘Oriente with gallerist Loreta Larkina /Palazzo Priuli Bon/ San Stae
June ’16 Recycled Art exhibition MACAM 3rd year C Nammour/ G Schaub Alita Lebanon
April ’16 “Loquis” LAU Faculty collective exhibit/Beirut
Mar ’16 LAU Alumni collective exhibit/Beirut
Feb ’16 SOS Liban Unesco/a collective exhibit organized by Dr Saad Ghosn /Illinois
Oct ’15 LAAPS Visual art forum 6/Unesco/Beirut
Sept’16 LAAPS Experimental art exhibit /Yacht club/ Zaytounah bay
August ’15 Artspace Hamra collective exhibit. 3 D works/colored paper mixed media collage
July ’15 Santa Teresa gallery San Stae /Venice /Italy /Collective show
June ’14 15th International Triennial of “Small graphic forms”Lodz Poland
May ’14 “Proventus”LAU Beirut.A collective faculty art show
Feb ’14 Museo civico Gualdo Tadino/Santateresa gallery/Italy
Dec’13 Art on 56th st “small artworks by big talents”/collective
Oct’13 “C.R.I.O.13” Solo show at LAAPS/Verdun/Beirut
July ’13 ” Tempi moderni “A collective show/Santateresa gallery/San Stae/Venice/Italy
June-Sept ’13 Artmini /Levis/ Quebec. A collective exhibit of miniature art
Sept’13 M.E.N.A.S.A.R.T.Beirut art fair Art on 56th st
April ’13 “The Homecoming” A Collective Alumni Art exhibit/LAU Beirut
Mar ’13 4×6/6×4 Colorado mesa Univ .A collective postcard exhibit…event
Feb’13 An Exhibition of the gallery collection at Art Circle/Beirut
June ’12“Out of Eden” Solo exhibit A painting & printmaking exhibit at Art Circle/Beirut
June ’12 “Primitia” A first faculty collective art exhibit/LAU/Beirut
Dec ’11 “Red Yellow Blue”A collective art exhibit Art Circle/hamra..prints/work on paper
April ’12 “Lost Count”/International artists for peace/against violence.Zacatecas/Mexico
Aug ’11 “Losing Count”LA/California:Art on paper/ Artists against violence in Mexico
June ’11Artists Assoc/Verdun Book signing event for Art critic Elias Deeb/
June ’11 “La Danse”/collective exhibit/Surface libre/Lebanon/prints and mixed media
Dec ’11 Art circle.A Group exhibit/seasonal show
Oct’10 “Phoenician reveries metamorphoses” Solo exhibitMusee Mouawad Beirut.66 Paintings/prints
July ’10 Estivales/Deir/Collective annual exhibit and journee des peintres
June ’10 Surface Libre Collective”portraits,tetes..”prints
April’10 Hamazkayin /burj hammoud/For the Armenian genocide.A collective show
Feb ’10 Chianciano Biennale in London/England…A collective show/submitted a painting
Oct ’09 Art circle/Beirut..”Figure it out”..exhibited 3 juried paintings
Summer’09 LAA/Beirut 8 sculptors exhibit… small work..plaster piece .. small bronzes
July ’09 “Journee des peintres” Estivales/Deir.Collective.Pastels
Sep’09 Chianciano Biennale/Italy….juried show..exhibited paintings
Oct ‘08 ”Transcending Boundaries” Solo exhibit Masterpiece gallery/Beirut.monoprints/monotypes
Oct ’08 Davis art center/.CA.Monotypes exhibit.Collective.
July ;08 “Journee des peintres” Estivales/Deir.Collective.Pastels
April 2008 “let the earth Breathe” collective.Haigazian university..Paintings/installations
March ,07 “Monatypes & Prints ‘06”Solo exhibit/Al Mada house /Beirut/55 works on paper
August ’05 “Surface libre” Collective summer exhibit for gallery artists
July ’05 Estivales/Deir/Collective annual exhibit and “Journee des peintres”
March ’05 “2 minutes après 2 heures” Solo exhibit / Surface Libre /Jal Dib /Recent paintings /sculpture
December 2005 Artsud exhibit,Salon de Provence Provence,France.Collective exhibit.
June 2004 Jounieh municipality.Workshop for children.Collective mural work
May 2004 Association des Artistes Peintres. R.Karameh Collective Art exhibit/Tripoli.
Dec’03/Jan ’04 Sursock museum.24eme Salon d’Automne
Aug 2003 “Untitled” Solo ehibitat Rizk plaza/Broumana/60 mixed media recent works.
July 2003 Estivales/Deir.”Journee des Peintres”
June 2003 “Artsud”Biel/Beirut.
May 2003 “Mirage”Solo exhbit /Abstract mixed media paintings / Zicohouse/Beirut
Dec 2002 Rochane gallery.Collective /seasonal exhibit.Beirut
Dec 2002 UNESCO/Hariri foundation.Collective exhibit.
July 2002 Estivales/Deir.”Journee des peintres”.
June 2003 “Jaune” at L’oeil du huit.A Collective painting show.Paris
Summer 2002 “Ehden symposium”.Submitted two works done on location.
Summer 2002 “Aley symposium”.Submitted 2 paintings done on location.
June 2002 UNESCO.Hariri foundation.Collective exhibit .
July ‘2002 “Arstud”.An international collective art fair.Phoenicia hotel.Beirut
January ‘2002 “Son jardin”Solo exhibit/realistic city scenepaintingsZaman gallery,Beirut,Lebanon.
Aug 2001 Association des artistes peintres libanais Barouk,Shouf.Lebanon.
Aug 2001 Ehden watercolor symposium.Ehden.Lebanon
Aug 2001 Association des artistes peintres libanais.Collective exhibit.Lebanon
Aug 2001 UNESCO Hariri foundation.First annual painting exhibit.
July 2001 Estivales/Deir.Journee des Peintres.
July 2001 Cerfs volants d’artistes.Kites designed by artists.Commodore.Beirut
April 2000 “ Cities,Spaces,Horizons”Solo exhibit/ paintings,pastel monotypes / Zicohouse/Beirut
May ’99 “Impressions”a collective printmaking exhibit –Maraya gallery Badaro/abstract monotypes.
Dec’ 98 “L’Art en fete” – Maraya -Badaro- Beirut
August ’98 A group show organized by LAAPS -U.N.E.S.C.O. –Beirut.
August ’98 Participated in “graphic Art in Lebanon.” Darat Al Funun- Amman-Jordan
April ’98 Participated in “Graphic Art in Lebanon “L.A.U.,Beirut collective L.A.U. Alumni Association .
Nov ’97 Participated in a group drawing show at Maraya entitled “Attraits”.
Spring ’97 Acollective moving show organized by LAAPS.South Lebanon and Qana.
April ’97 Participated in a group show called “ L.A.U Alumni Artists” LAU/Beirut
April ’96 Participated in “Le Printemp de la Peinture” at the Maraya gallery /Beirut.
Spring ’95 Participated in “Harvest”/ a group exhibition at Martyr’s square/ Beirut.
Nov ’93 Participated in a group exhibit organized by LAAPS in Aley /Lebanon
March ’93 Participated in the Salon d ‘ Automne at the Musee Sursock /Beirut
Feb ’93 Participated in a collective drawing exhibit/ Agial gallery /Beirut.
July ’92 “Untitled”Solo Exhibition: paintings and prints at Agial gallery. Beirut.
April ’90 Pratt Institute, N.Y.MFA thesis solo show.
April ’87 B.U.C.,Beirut. Participated in a three graduates’ art show.
May ‘81-’86 B.U.C.,Beirut. Exhibited drawings,paintings,prints,photographs and 3-D
works at the annual Fine Arts exhibitions


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The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

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