Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

Title: Untitled

to offer you the best services in the best prices worldwide,
with the signature and the guarantee of Zervas Art.

Personal Summary
A dedicated interior designer with a comprehensive understanding of the design process and executionmethods. I have extensive experience leading a number of design projects as a freelancer and teachingthe fundamental elements of design. In my teaching capacity, I have covered the history of design aswell as drawing methods, techniques, and project implementation. Through the Art and Design atelier Ihave also acquired experience in teaching sketching, drawing, and painting. I am always keen onpursuingnew
Work experience
1987-1988 International School Koura
ArtsTeacher / Intermediate and Secondary classes
1988-Present Freelance Interior Designer / Design and Execution of 26 projects including apartments, villas, shops, and villas
1993- 1995 Future Television Set Designer
2001-Present Art and Design
Founder and Director of Art and Design atelier
• Research and develop ideas for design projects
• Controlling and maintaining the design standards of on going projects
• Introduced two preparatory courses :one aims to prepare students looking to start or have started a degree in architecture or interior design through teachingbasic drafting, including orthographic projection and drawing different types ofperspective. The second course prepares students who wish to enroll in fine artswhichincludes drawing courses,painting, and sculpting
2014-2020 CEC Program, American University of Beirut Instructor Interior Design
1987 BA in Interior DesignBAin FineArts


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

Talk with the artist to manage and buy the artworks that you love, in the best prices.
If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.

We will contact you as soon as possible
Thank you in advance for your interest