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EnjifanoGuluma,painter, was born on the 29th – June – 1991 in Jimma, Oromiya. He attended his elementary and secondary formal edugation at Begilu primary and secondary school in Jimma. Then he joined the Jimmauniversity and graduated with BSc degree as a computer science on 2014. He served by his profession for a couple of years.
Then Enjifano joined the Abysiniaschool of fine art and modeling to studt the basic drawing and painting skill on 2017. He continue his training of painting side by side with his computer science activities. However, Enjifano finally decide to be a professional painter because his deep inspiration for the fine art.
Fine art to me is a day todays livelihood scenarios of a society around me Enjifano decalared. Hence, he was a devotee for painting since his childhood time and he remember those colorful drawings depicted on his exercise books. Even though the quits his relation with drawings when he was a teenager, but now he returned back to his adoration of painting.
My model and admirable Artist is MezgebuTesemma. I had an opportunity to see his paintings in Addis Ababa, National Museum.
Enjifanos other ideal Artist is his instructor GirmaSeboka /painter/, a one who influenced him beside the fine art. I exhibited my art works in different galleries in Addis Ababa and Jimma. Fine Art to me is a wisdom to reveal our living style and thoughts.


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

Talk with the artist to manage and buy the artworks that you love, in the best prices.
If you love art, you don’t need millions to buy an artwork that you will live with. If we really love art, we buy works by artists who live with us.
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