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Artist Hermela Abayneh is an Addis Ababa-based artist whose practice includes art and film. Hermela graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the Ale School of Fine Art and Design at Addis Ababa University in 2006, specializing in painting. In 2016, she also graduated with MA in filmproduction from Addis Ababa University College of Performance, Visual Art, and Film Production department on the MA program. Hermela spent six years teaching art in different international and private schools in Addis Ababa; mainly, her art has been featured. In many group exhibitions in Addis Ababa and internationally, she has recently been focused on and influenced by women’s beauty within traditional Ethiopian handwoven fabric clothing and rich diversity. She has also focused on a colorful market scene for women. Her art work captures moments; it comes with a hidden concept; it has its own narrative and moments; it also has its own story; all of her ideas have been reflected in observations of her everyday life; she always composes and uses an ideal element to build specific stories. She mainly describes her work as a blend of beauty from many angles. In addition, as an artist and filmmaker, she tried to focus as much as possible on the beauty and diversity of Ethiopian culture and its traditions.
Work Experience
–Teaching at Bethel mekaneYesusSchool.
–Teaching at Gibson Youth Academy School.
–Teaching at Andinet International School.
–Teaching at the Greek International Community School.
–‘ዳዴ’ ‘dadae’Newspaper for Kids, working as cartoonist and graphics Consultant at ChewataBusinessP.L.C.
- BFA- from Addis Ababa University Ale School of fine arts and design that graduated in painting.
- MA- from Addis Ababa University Ale School of fine art and Design graduated in Film production.
- City Government of Addis Ababa occupation competency assessment and certification center (OCACC) NationalOccupational standard for fine art /level-1,Level-2,Level -3
- Certificate from Tom photography and videography.
- Certificate from Image Computer graphics.
2012 – First prize cash money in a competition for cover page of Magazine “our voice”, Prepared by the Ethiopian Lawyer Women Association.
2006 -The millennium Goal Hosted by UNICEF for every child health, Education, Equality,
Protection advance Humanity, 2nd place category winner of the page cover of the agenda For African Leaders and Participants who used the idea container.
2007 -International Day of Peace at the 9th International Peace Pals art completion and
Exhibition, I participated in judging children’s paintings sent from different continent.
2010 -‘ABRO ETHIOPIA ARTISTS CAPACITY BUILING WORKSHOP ‘Abro Ethiopia and the Asni Art Village Team of the Goethe-Institute Addis Ababa.
2011-World Aids Day Commemoration The African Union Commission HeadQuarters Addiss Ababa Ethiopia.
2015 -’ACERCA’ program of Spanish Development Cooperation Animation Workshop by Mr. Coke Rioboo Cortes animation Technique & motion video at spain Embassy in Addis Ababa .
2016- ‘Addis In Motion workshop funded by UNESCO Participation Program and fellowship Program.
2017-By Embassy of United State Of American Addiss Ababa – Master Class for Ethiopian Film makers by the American Film show Case (AFS).
2020 – First Addiss International Art Symposium.
2021 -Trakya university Faculty of Education, Departement of Fine Arts Education, painting -Craft Education MAB and URD, Edirne, TURKEY, World art day 390 artist from 54 countries, Group art show.
2023- The National Museum of Ethiopia/Ethiopian Heritage Authority.
2023 -The “AFRICAN IDENTITY ART EXHIBITION “was organized by the AFRICA DAY INITIATIVE / ADI at UN/ECA( Economic Commission for Africa) Hall.
2005 -Makush Art gallery group art show.
2005 –Alemart Gallery hosts the ‘AFRICAN UNITE’ art exhibition in honor of Bob Marley’s 60th birthday,presented by the Bob Marley Foundation and the Rita Marley foundation.
2007 -Addis Ababa University Ale School of Fine Art and Design Graduation Exhibition.
2007 -National museum, themillennium, Goal Hosted by UNICEF for every child health,
Education, Equality, protection advance Humanity prize completion and art show.
2010 – Goethe-Institute, Ethiopia Artist Capacity Building workshop and Art show.
2011 -The African union Commission Head Quarters World Aids Day commemoration art show.
2012 -Addis Ababa, Alliance Ethio- Françoise Group Exhibition.
2015 – ‘ACERCA program of Spanish Development Cooperation Animation workshop motion Video.
2016 – Addis In Motion Workshop and Exhibition Organized By UNESCO.
2017 -By Embassy of United State Of American Addis Ababa – Master Class for Ethiopian Film makers by the American Film show Case(AFS).
2017 – National Museum ‘Female Impression’ in Art by women Artist Association.
2017 -Welo University Group art show by Women Artist Association.
2018 – Golf club ArtisanBazzar.
2019 – Maki Interior Design and Art gallery, March 8th ‘Women day ‘.
2020 – First Addis International Art Symposium and Art show.
2021-Women’s participation In Adawa Battle Organized by senior women ministers and ulturaland Tourism.
2021 -Trakya university Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education, painting,Craft Education MAB and URD, Edirne, TURKEY, World art day 390 artist from 54 Countries, group art show .
2022 – Group art show atEntoto Art Gallery Inauguration and opening of Art Gallery.
2022 -‘Patriotism’ Group art show by Hibir Art Group.
2023 – Golf club Designers and Artisan Bazzar
2023- Hilton Addis Ababa “What’s out Addis” Big Art sells.
2023-The “AFRICAN IDENTITY ART EXHIBITION “was organized by the AFRICA DAYINITIATIVE/AADI from May 22-25/2023 at UN/ECA (Economic Commission for Africa) Hall.
Selected Events & Workshops
2010 -‘ABRO ETHIOPIA ARTISTS CAPACITY BUILING WORKSHOP ‘Abro Ethiopia and Asni Art Village Team of the Goethe-Institute Addis Ababa coordinated the event.
2015 –’ACERCA program of Spanish Development Cooperation Animation Workshop by Mr. Coke RiobooCortes animation Technique & motion video at Spain Embassy in Addis Ababa.
2016–‘Addis in Motion workshop funded by UNESCO Participation Program and fellowship Program.
2017 – Workshop By Embassy of United State Of American Addiss Ababa – Master Class for Ethiopian Film makers by the American Film show Case (AFS).
2020 –First Addis International Art Symposium.
Ethiopian heritage Research and Conservation asset of the Ethiopian national Museum; the National museum; Heritage Research and publishing book which includes the certificate of legal recognition.
- A member at the Ethiopian visual Artist Association.
- A member at the Ethiopian women visual Artist Association


The artworks are accompanied by a Zervas Art Certificate ofAuthenticity where all the necessary information are written.
Zervas Art & Club for UNESCO of Arts inAchaia confirm the originality of the artworks.
The International Artistic Committee of Zervas Art certify the official international price of sale.

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