Italy | Artist
I have always expressed interest in drawing and painting, but I have never cultivated this passion in the past, until 2009.
In 2009 I decided to pick up paints and brushes and as an autodidact I enthusiastically experiment with the various techniques.Since 2011 I have been taking part in Momart Padova every first Sunday of the month.
In May 2011 I exhibited at the Villa Imperiale Park in Galliera Veneta (Pd) on the occasion of the day for art and culture.
In June 2011 I participated in the group show “a Cavallo dell’Arte” at Villa Vanna in Padua.
In September 2011 I participated in the competition exhibition “The awakening of art” in Limena Padova.
From 10 February to 4 March 2012 collective exhibition organized by the Momart association at the Sala della Gran Guardia in Piazza dei Signori – Padua
In May 2012 I participated in the 19th National Art Competition Miniquadro and Minisculpture Premio Beppi Spolaor in Mira (VE)
In September 2012 “September of art, music and games at the Non-profit door” in Padua
In October 2012 “Painting Lottery for Africa” Palazzo della Gran Guardia Verona
In February 2013 collective exhibition organized by the Momart association at the Sala della Gran Guardia in Piazza dei Signori – Padua
From 16 to 30 March group show at the “Città di Padova” Gallery, theme “The Landscape”
August 2013 came second in the “Abano Street Circus” Cultural Competition
From 15 to 22 September 2013 at the Dolo Antiche stables 17th painting, sculpture, graphics competition
February 2014 collective exhibition organized by the Momart Association at the Palazzo della Gran Guardia in Piazza dei Signori in Padua
18 May 2014 exhibition at the Villa Imperiale Park in Galliera Veneta (PD) on the occasion of the day for Art and culture. 20 September 2014 Momart for unesco on the Liston in Padua, en plein air exhibition.
September 2015, April, May, September 2016 art review “All’Ombra del Gattamelata” – Padua
5 March 2017 Momart – Piazza Capitaniato – Pd
2 April 2017 Momart – Liston Padua
9 April 2017 Noventart First exhibition of Painting Sculpture Photography – Piazza Europa Noventa Padovana.
June 2017 First painting competition of June Antoniano organized by the Gattamelata Association.
27/28/29 September 2019 Collective exhibition “Art as Science” organized by the Sei Altrove group” of Luvigliano Torreglia – PD
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