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15-20 December 2024

1-10 September 2025

23-28 February 2025

1-6 November 2025

25-30 April 2025

25-31 August 2025

announcement soon

announcement soon

… … 2025


SET UP NOW THE PROGRAM up to 5 sessions of 20 minutes & join 100% professional support for free.
Find out about our events and services!

Make the most of the features we offer you completely free!

Contact your “Zervas Art Consultants” and find out about the golden privileges you earn through your multi-level cooperation with us.

Your own professional and reliable consultant is waiting for you to offer you guaranteed services, suggestions and knowledge, about anything you need!


Panagiotis Milt. Zervas

Every dialect of art, every level of artist, every grammar of painting can participate …to the international artistic dialogue to create and discuss with colors and give to the visitors the only one luxury experience to follow the building of one artwork.

Zervas Art, since 1999  until today is activated into 70 countries, having scratch out an important and continuously arisen route. In addition,  have created an international stream of art and artists, which influences or and directs, in many cases, the international market of art.
Zervas Art, created in 2006 the International Scientific Artistic Committee (I.S.A.C.), which is constituted by 20 artists/professors from Universities of fine Arts from 20 countries, which hold meetings frequently by mails, for the program, the research and generally for the important matters which concerns each period.
International Art Symposiums are the most important annual scientific and artistic organization of Zervas Art. Every year organize 12-15 artistic and scientific events and participate almost 500-700 selected and internationally awarded artists/professors from Universities and Academies of Fine Arts as well.
At 2017 created the “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” and today is based in 35 countries with 40 Zervas Art Clubs… 

Zervas Art International Painting Symposiums isn’t another one academician event that will make art critic or will sale paintings to the lovers of art.
Many theorists talk about art and artists but understand and feel so little…because they stay frond of one completed picture and try to say what they remember and what they read about art and of course they talk about something that they can’t do. “Only the artist can stay frond of the empty and white canvas and try to put life’s color and light on the “absolutely white” that is more difficult level from the black dark”.  

Painting Symposiums of Zervas Art is one “open” international artistic workshop and from the 1st organization at 2002 touched the soul of creators and creation, because is one international palette, because is international artistic dialogue with the language of art, because accept as advantage the differences, because born and support the artistic creation as answer that no one asks.

At the Symposium moment the artists are free to create what  the galleries and collectors don’t need… the communication between countries ,cultures and differences acts like power that the artist never can has in his working place’s palette, where he must be absolutely alone. In Symposium moment the words aren’t so important, also the words are so poor to explain the mystery of life and the mystery of art that is the last hope in the human soul.

The maternal official, and international language of art is the basis of Painting Symposiums, which is so enough for the communication of people, with similarities and differences. Every dialect of art, every level of artist, every grammar of painting can participate to the international artistic dialogue to create and discuss with colors and give to the visitors the only one luxury experience to follow the building of one artwork.

“International Painting Symposiums of Zervas Art, love and respect all the artists as creators, but first of all… try and offer one reason for creation without conditions and limits….without reason, as an answer to someone who never asked…!” Civilization is so long term application to cover our range… but is the only way.

byAnna Givargizian

Panagiotis Mil. Zervas: I was born in Rion, Patras, Greece in 1962, I did the necessary studies in the secondary education and didn’t continue studies higher education because it was tiring and I didn’t saw the reason to do it.

Before the symposiums my life was very lonely in a very narrow context… the journey had to begin. Than all change… everything! For me the occupation with art was a one-way. And so after a business vacation in the world of books I reached 1999 to establish the Zervas Art Gallery.
I come from a middle class family from which I acquired the persistence and the ideology touching for the thing and life. When I organize the first symposium I didn’t believe that one idea (subversive) could get the interest and support of such big Organizations. 
I was surprised in fact of the close relationship between politics and art. Art is politic… culture is the future political ideology…

The success of the first Event institutionalized the International Painting Symposiums and the continuous development.

I don’t like to hope, but the first event gave me that much power so I could continue this dialogue…

The International painting Symposium were organized since 2002. “Patras means homelands” in Patras started to communicate different cultures, different pallets, different religions and different political beliefs, the axis was art. Communication is based on art not on speech.
The dialogue that opens with art from country to country, from artist to artist is based on the language of art that is primordial and native language to the human kind irrespective the origin.

The point of the symposium is the intervention of art as axis of communication between people and countries not noticing the similarities and differences . Also the Symposiums simulate with art to revolutionize complacent societies and consciences
The objective of the symposium is elastic and multilateral, the important point is that the artists from any country all over the world have the ambition and dream to visit Greece and taste parts of the ancient and Modern Greek culture. Also, a history is created that can’t be performed with words or with art critics but with the artworks that are added to the collection of Zervas that consists today up to 8.000 artworks.

The remarkable artworks that create the artist from 80 countries are exposed in big and important exhibitions that are hosted in different countries.

The decision to launch the Symposiums comes from the personalize need for artistic action without borders and simultaneously repealing the cultural boundaries. The organization started with the belief that art is the communication language between people and countries despite the similarities and differences.

Also I believe that art is an integral part of the human dignity. It was a thought and an argument that found immediately the support of big international organizations as UNO, UNESCO,  Action Aid, Green Peace, MSF(Doctors without Borders), Universities and Academies of fine arts, Ministries in Greece and other countries and Embassies of the countries that participate.

by Anna Givargizian

In general the results and success of the International Painting Symposium overcome in much my expectations, a fact that cause new and important requirements and conditions needed for the continuous and success of the institution.
My personal expectations were and are still undefined. Today, after 23 years I can’t say something about personal expectations… I don’t know…
The subject with the International Painting Symposium is elastic… but I never expected anything more and actually happened… a big international workshop of art with an amazing communication… and creation. The coexistence of the different!
I think the communication between diversities it’s a bigger pleaser than the best wine! I started 1999 approaching art with purely philosophical intention. Art is replacing philosophy and an artist replace philosopher.
The philosophic researches and life itself indicated and proofed to me that art is the end and the beginning of everything…

I love an artwork when it surprises me and when it gave me answers to something I didn’t ask.
My preference in Painting is to meet soul and honesty on the canvas.
Everyday something changes… every year… every decade!
I return to all I loved at first and sometimes I travel to somewhere i didn’t love yet
Every Artwork enchants me… but not all is art.
I know how the first scripture was for the human kind. The primary need for the first human.
The other forms of scripture followed after thousand years. Art was the beginning and the occasion for all things. What will the history of human kind be without art? What would life be… Would
there be life?
The artworks on the caves from the prehistoric period are modern and important. The tradition begins millions of years ago.
The artists lived with terms and doctrines for many periods of the history. But I believe that art is not conscripted and don’t follow the rules. The language of art has for sure grammar and syntax… but I can’t consider it as a term… the knowledge is necessary. The talent is innate, grammar can be learned… No, art doesn’t obey and have no limits… it wouldn’t be art!

by Anna Givargizian

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The official Auspices from the greatest International Organizations is the guarantee of the academic, artistic & cultural experience in the history of art.


- Since 1999 -

The greatest artistic good you’re ever gonna live

Art Symposium !

Organizing large Symposiums is our passion. Since the early start we wanted to enrich you experience, making it meaningful and not just fun and exciting.
2.500 years, from Plato to Zervas Art!

Art Symposium ?

When you participate our Art Symposium for the first time, it transforms your life, and connects you to the people you always wanted to get to know and love.
Live the greatest experience Now!

Art Symposium .-

Are you seeking something different? An opportunity? We invite you to join the world dialogue our community has been having for the past 23 years.
Come with us! Come with the best.

Art Symposium Now

Our Symposiums are held in every country, in every culture and every corner. Symposiums takes place everywhere, in the spirit, in the heart, in the soul at the same time. Don’t worry, you will find us!





Zervas Art from 1999 since today is activated into 160 countries, having scratch out an important and continuously arisen route. In addition, have created an international stream of art and artists, which influences or/and directs, in many cases, in the international world of art.  At 2002 established the artistic institution of INTERNATIONAL PAINTING SYMPOSIUM where unril today have participated more than 1O.000 artists from the whole world. Zervas Art, created in 2006 the International Scientific Artistic Committee (I.S.A.C.), which is constituted by 20 artists/professors from Universities of fine Arts of 20 countries, which hold meetings frequently, for the program, the research and generally for the important matters which concerns each period.  International Art Fairs are the most important annual scientific and artistic organization. It was founded in 1999 and every year organize 12-15 artistic and scientific events and participate almost 500 selected and internationally awarded artists/professors from Universities and Academies of Fine Arts as well. At 2017 created the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs and today is based in 40 countries with 60 Zervas Art Clubs, under the goal to be more than 5.000 Clubs in every corner of the earth





Our Organization give you an in-depth insight into Business Culture across 40 Countries until today. However, before you look at the business culture definition it is necessary to understand what cultural business is. Culture illustrates the accepted norms and values and traditional behavior of a group. One definition of culture by Deal and Kennedy is “the way a we do things around here”. However, culture also evolves over time. The culture of each country has its own beliefs, values and activities. In other words culture can be defined as an evolving set of collective beliefs, values, activities and attitudes.  Culture is a key component in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of cultural business.   
A business culture will encompass as organization’s values, visions, working style, beliefs and habits.


  • Awarding of 2 valuable Certificates of Zervas Art
  • Awarding of a UNESCO Diploma
  • Awarding of a gold medal
  • Awarding a Master Class Diploma
  • Tourism and entertainment
  • Collaboration with local galleries
  • Attendance and study of Master Classes
  • New artistic -international- friendships and relationships
  • Collaboration of the artists, managing & exchange of exhibitions between their countries
  • Parallel live artistic creation with artists from all over the world
  • Visit important local monuments and museums
  • …and more!!!

— The institution of the ZERVAS ART SYMPOSIUMS since 1999
— It is a unique artistic experience in the history of art
— It is the communication between countries and people, with their          similarities and differences, under the axis of the art.

.Culture influences management, decisions and all business functions from accounting to production and the development.
You may now be thinking predominantly about national culture but this is only one aspect, business culture is its own unique dimension that includes getting off on the right foot, meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use, internships and work placements and other elements. Business culture is related to behavior, ethics, etiquette and more.


The evaluation and certification of the price of a artwork involves a multi-level study, with equally many parameters and characteristics.  Highly qualified associates of Zervas Art with many years of experience, study, research, conclude and unanimously agree on the price.  ECISPA is the necessary and basic guarantee for the investment of art buyers, that they will not lose their money and invest in a healthy global environment.


Take  the  big step, register  and change you r life forever!
Come today to the special  VIP  world of  culture  and art!
Become a member  of the unique aristocracy of the spirit!


Take  the  big step, register  and change you r life forever!
Come today to the special  VIP  world of  culture  and art!
Become a member  of the unique aristocracy of the spirit!

World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs invite you to be Founder and Ambassador or President of the Zervas Art Club in your country. Be active on the Cultural Business as partner – member of our global artistic, cultural and scientific family

Get today the online artistic services we offer you in absolute quality and uniquely low prices. Your own Online Art Gallery and your own Neo Website guarantee your worldwide visibility and easy sales of your artworks

Visa Documents – Visa Supporting
Online Art Gallery
Live Master Classes
Painting Exhibition
5 days staying in double twin rooms B/B

2 Dinners – Party
City Tour – Visit Monuments
3 Certificates For Your Participation
1 Gold Medal From Zervas Art
Zervas Art Member Card

Unesco Member Card
Certificate Of Quality
International Promotion
4 Posters / Post in Facebook & Instagram
Canvases – Easels – Sound – Projector – Music


Every day Art clients are looking for you on the web! 
Where and how will they find you?

How will the Art buyers buy your artworks?

F R E E   H O S T I N G   Permanently 
Your Online Art Gallery will be hosted in 11 web Pages in the largest Web Art Platform: HOME PAGE       PROFILE       GALLERY       E-SHOP       ART ENCYCLOPEDIA        SEARCH COUNTRIES       ARTWORKS      HOUSE       COLLECTORS       PROPOSALS       SPECIAL OFFERS
The Customers will find you so easy…!
F R E E   S E O   Permanently
Because of the thousands artistic webpages and the daily advertisement in Googe, the customers and collectors can find you in the 1st page.
You are not alone in the chaos of internet.
The Customers will find you so easy…!
F R E E   A D V E R T I S I N G   Permanently
Daily advertising of the Zervas Art Online Gallery in Google, Instagram & Facebook, with more than 1,5 million visitors / month from 190 countries.
The Customers will find you so easy…!  
sales (2).jpg
D I R E C T   S A L E S   Without Percentages 
Direct sales to your customers whole the world at the prices that you want without control and percentages.
F R E E   W E B   M A R K E T I N G Permanently
We work 24 hours a day with the latest marketing strategies and enjoy the maximum level of success.
Our experience of 23 years allows us to know completely the art, the artist and the buyer – collector.

The best and greatest investment for your career!

The 1st NEW YORK ART SYMPOSIUM will be awarded to all participant artists:
3 Valuable Certificates + 1 Gold Medal

From PLATO 385BC    to    ZERVAS ART  1999

You’re welcome to live the great cultural experience of the Superior Dialogue between cultures, countries and people under the axis of ART, through the language of ART!
Here is the way to get the gold chance to participate in the unique Zervas Art Symposium!

Follow the next steps

Study of the Gold Offers and the Terms of your participation

To complete your Official Registration please send the advance to our Bank Account (IBAN)

Address: Konstitucijos pr. 21B, LT-08130, Vilnius – Lithuania
RECEIVER: IBAN:LT85 3250 0565 3429 5915 BIC: REVOLT21  
Address:9 Androutsou str. Ag. Vasilios 26504 Patras, Greece
Tel: +30 2610 994 804

You can Pay and transfer your payment ONLY in our IBAN: LT85 3250 0565 3429 5915 via:

  • MONEYGRAM/send ONLY to our IBAN
  • PAYPAL/send ONLY to our IBAN

1. The copy of the deposit
2. Passport copy
3.  Face photo
4. Photos of 8 paintings with: Price, Size, Title, Media, Year
5. CV, articles, texts
6. Tel, Mobile, Email, Facebook – Instagram link, Youtube

Official Visa Letter
2.     Hotel Reservations (2)
3.     Official invitation
4.     We will post your participation (4 posters) in our international community of 200.000 members
5.    UNESCO invitation


  1. Official Visa Letter
  2. Hotel Reservation
  3. Official invitation of Zervas Art
  4. Payment receipt
  5. Official invitation from UNESCO
  6. Creation & Promotion of 4 Posters – Certificates
  7. Free Web Marketing
  8. Online Exhibition (Value 200€)
  9. Member Card Zervas Art (Value 95€)
  10. Member Card UNESCO (Value 95€)
  11. Quality Certificate (Value 150€)

You have to be prepared not simply to present documents, but also to explain their purpose of travel, any history of previous international travel with return to your country, and their strong social, economic and family ties that will compel you to return.

You have to be prepared not simply to present documents, but also to explain their purpose of travel, any history of previous international travel with return to your country, and their strong social, economic and family ties that will compel you to return.

We send to the artists and the Embassies:
Zervas Art is for 23 years the important window for the artists to communicate with the countries and the cultures of the whole world!We support the visa for all the artists in any country from 1999 until today. More than 9.000 artists get visas to participate in our Symposiums in so many countries! We send email and call to the Embassies to support the visas.
Every artist that applies for a visa has to get informed from the website of the Embassy about the required documents.

Official VISA Invitation
Invitation from UNESCO
Zervas Art Guarantee stamping from GR GOV
Zervas Art Official Details
Hotel Reservation of the accommodation
Reservation of the Congress Hall
General privet invitation
4 Confirmation – Posters of your participation
Payment Receipt

Now, you are ready to buy your flight ticket and fly to the Zervas Art Symposium.




25-30 March 2023

23-29 September 2024

25-31 May 2023

05-15 June 2025

25-30 July 2023

06-11 May 2025

01-10 September 2023

20-25 June 2025

24-30 November 2023

01-08 Sept 2025

You are with the best, in the biggest Art Platform in the world
Zervas Art use a great strategy for your International Promotion


IBAN: LT85 3250 0565 3429 5915  /  BIC: REVOLT21 
BANK ADDRESS:  Konstitucijos pr. 21B, LT-08130, Vilnius – Lithuania
RECEIVER ADDRESS: Androutsou 9 Str Ag. Vasileios, 26504, Patras – Greece 
TEL NO:+30 2610 994804

1st name EIRINI   /   2nd name ZERVA
ID: AH702429   /   Country: GREECE   /   +30 2610 994 804


PayPal  Deposit in our bank account:
IBAN: LT85 3250 0565 3429 5915  /  BIC: REVOLT21 
BANK ADDRESS:  Konstitucijos pr. 21B, LT-08130, Vilnius – Lithuania
RECEIVER ADDRESS: Androutsou 9 Str Ag. Vasileios, 26504, Patras –Greece
TEL NO:+30 2610 994804

You can use any credit card 

From some friend of you





With the stamp and signature from the Patras Municipality – Greek Ministry of Interior & UNESCO.

We want you to be as well prepared as you can possibly be for your visa interview at the Embassy or Consulate in your home country. Whether you are applying for an  visa, the interview process is very important. Please take a moment to read through our guide so you can have the best possible experience when the time comes for your visa interview.

Tip 1: Speak English  Plan for your interview to be conducted in English. If your native language is not English, now is a good time to improve your English.
Tip 2: Dress Professionally  Be sure you are neatly groomed. This includes your hair, facial hair, etc. Wear a suit or business attire if possible. In short, look your absolute best. Do not wear fragrances or smoke before your interview. Interviews may be conducted in a small space, and you want to avoid smells that could offend the interviewer, especially if he or she has allergies.
Tip 3: Arrive Early  There will be interviews before and after yours, so you need to be prompt. Study the location and prepare to arrive early, even if it means waiting nearby in a coffee shop. Arrive for your scheduled interview 10 to 15 minutes early. Allow time for parking if you drive and finding the correct room in the building.
Tip 4: Arrive Alone  Do not bring any friends or family with you. Speak on your own behalf. It will reflect badly on your interview if you attempt to bring other people with you.
Tip 5: Bring Copies  Be prepared by bringing copies of every piece of paperwork you carry with you in case your interviewer would like a copy. Keep them in a nice folder. Bring any paperwork you think will help your chances of being granted a visa. It is better to arrive overly prepared.
Tip 6: Behave Appropriately  Your demeanor should be polite but not overly friendly. Shake hands if appropriate, make eye contact while speaking, sit upright, and briefly make a concise case to your interviewer for each point you are asked about. Never argue with your interviewer about anything. Always maintain a positive attitude. Do not make jokes or act inappropriately.
Tip 7: Know every detail about the NY Symposium and the Program. Be prepared to explain the reasons that your participation is requiredfor your career. Be ready to describe why you want to come to the United Statesto open new way in your techniques and study in the Master Classes. You shouldknow the details of Zervas Art and be able to report that the Symposiumssuccessfully trained more than 10 thousands of artists who are now high levelglobal artists.
Tip 8: Describe Ties to Home  Theinterviewer is going to want to know what reasons you have to return to home.Is it because of family, a spouse, an inheritance, etc.? Be prepared to outlinethe reasons you want to participate in the NY ART SYMPOSIUM in the U.S. butalso the reasons you want to return home. Be prepared to address that.
Tip 9: Describe Dependents at Home  If you are leaving behind a spouse and/or children, you will be asked to address their financial security while you are gone. Be prepared to describe how they will support themselves in your absence.
Tip 10: Prepare for a Visa Denial  If you are denied your visa at the interview, graciously thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you. Ask what action or documentation you could provide in your next interview to help improve your chances. Always maintain a positive attitude. Reflect on the interview. Identify any areas of the process you did not perform well in, work to improve them, and schedule another interview as soon as you have improved or corrected any problem areas.
We wish you all the best as you prepare for your visa interview. Stay calm and positive, answer all questions honestly, and you should have a good experience!


YOUR APPOINTMENT Be sure to book your appointment TODAY. Each Embassy has to serve a large number of applications and that is why you should book your appointment today.

THE DOCUMENTS 1. Print and Place “all” the documents sent to you by Zervas Art in a transparent folder. 2. Make sure to gather all the necessary documents requested by the Embassy. Also put them inside the envelope.

The professional submission of your file (application) will contribute positively to the overall score.

Never, anywhere, has anyone submitted such a well-documented visa application.

Only Zervas Art supports its artists with unique professionalism.


YOUR INTERVIEW The interview you give is probably the most decisive factor for your success. The interview is done with people who have many years of experience, who know the psychology of the applicant very well and are able to understand possible inconsistencies.

You will have to prove that you will return to your country and that you have no reason to immigrate to another country.

Highlight your love for your family, your children, your relationship, your work and your art that you want to exhibit in other countries.

–You will Join the Zervas Art Symposium because it is the most famous in the world and its certificates are valuable for your career.

You will attend great Master Classes from famous painters and obtain your relevant degree.

You will visit several galleries to promote your work.

You will communicate, collaborate and meet important and successful painters from 30-40 countries.

All these studies, make you a better artist, classify your name and increase the selling price of your works, in the domestic and international market.

In the promotion of the works, Zervas Art contributes decisively, providing completely frees (only to the participating artists) the private Online Art Gallery, from where the international promotion of the works of art takes place.

Professional benefits are very important and you would like to beg to be given this opportunity of a life. In terms of cultural tourism, it is your dream to visit the “country” and wished to participate every year.

Finally, you confirm that your participation in the Symposium and your collaboration with Zervas Art and its artists is valuable and will change your life.

Zervas Art and partners wishing you the best luck!

You’re welcome to live the great cultural experience of the Superior Dialogue between cultures, countries and people under the axis of ART, through the language of ART!
Here is the way to get the gold chance to participate in the unique Zervas Art Symposium!

Follow the next steps

Study of the Gold Offers and the Terms of your participation

To complete your Official Registration please send us the Registration fee.
IBAN: LT85 3250 0565 3429 5915   /   BIC: REVOLT21
Country: GREECE   /   +30 2610 994 804
IBAN: GR43 0171 5690 0065 6914 2102 115
ACCOUNT No: 6569-1421-02115  /  BIC-SWIFT: PIRBGRAA
RECEIVER NAME: Panagiotis Zervas (Miltiadis)
BANK ADDRESS: Korinthou 224, Patras  26221 GreeceRECEIVER ADDRESS: Androutsou 9 Str Ag. Vasileios Patras Greece 26504  /  TEL NO:+30 2610 994804
You can use any credit card
1st name: EIRINI 2nd name: ZERVAS
ID:  AH702429    Country: GREECE  +30 2610 994 804

1. The copy of the deposit
2. Passport copy
3.  Face photo
4. Photos of 8 paintings with: Price, Size, Title, Media, Year
5. CV, articles, texts
6. Tel, Mobile, Email, Facebook – Instagram link, Youtube

Official Visa Letter
2.     Hotel Reservations (2)
3.     Official invitation
4.     We will post your participation (4 posters) in our international community of 200.000 members
5.    UNESCO invitation

We will open your ONLINE ART EXHIBITION with 8 artworks in our Online Art Gallery, like the example 
Web Promotion for free to 120 countries with 25.000.000 viewers per year
Member Card of Zervas Art
Member Card of UNESCO

You have to be prepared not simply to present documents, but also to explain their purpose of travel, any history of previous international travel with return to your country, and their strong social, economic and family ties that will compel you to return.

You have to be prepared not simply to present documents, but also to explain their purpose of travel, any history of previous international travel with return to your country, and their strong social, economic and family ties that will compel you to return.

We send to the artists and the Embassies:
Zervas Art is for 23 years the important window for the artists to communicate with the countries and the cultures of the whole world!We support the visa for all the artists in any country from 1999 until today. More than 9.000 artists get visas to participate in our Symposiums in so many countries! We send email and call to the Embassies to support the visas.
Every artist that applies for a visa has to get informed from the website of the Embassy about the required documents.

Official VISA Invitation
Invitation from UNESCO
Zervas Art Guarantee stamping from GR GOV
Zervas Art Official Details
Hotel Reservation of the accommodation
Reservation of the Congress Hall
General privet invitation
4 Confirmation – Posters of your participation
Payment Receipt

Now, you are ready to buy your flight ticket and fly to the Zervas Art Symposium.


We always do our best to support the artist’s right to travel and experience the world, art markets, mindsets, everyday life and new techniques and forms of expression.
We support visa issuance and take legal responsibilities by sending legal documents to each participating artist.
Please fill out the following form, which will help us with a pre-assessment and guaranteed issuance of your visaYou have every legal responsibility of your signature, that the details  are true and you will not be found inaccurate in any (possible) crossing of information.

First of all visa is a personal issue. The official invitation for visa that we send to every participant artist is just to clarify the reason of the trip. After that, at your appointment you have to convince them that indeed you will travel for the reason to participate at our event. If your words and your personal documents are not reliable then you will not get visa.  
Note that with our official invitation for visa, over 10.000 participant artists from over 80 countries who also hold personal reliable documents get visa since 1999 to more than 15 destinations in Europe that we realize international paintings symposiums.

How many kids do you have? *

Do you have an official occupation? *

How many years have you been working with insurance? *

Do you have valid insurance? *

Do you have a bank account with money? *

Do you have parents alive? *

How many siblings do you have? *

Do you have a previous visa to EU or US? *

Do you have formal studies in an infinite educational institution? *

Are you a member of the artist union in your country?

Why will you return to your country? *

I confirm the legality of the details

APPLY TODAY   for your visa appointment in the Embassy
Because of pandemic, the Embassies was closed, so they have thousand applications to serve. Be very quick and apply today!
CONFIRM US   tomorrow your appointment date
Be quick!


Zervas Art is for 23 years the important window for the artists to communicate with the countries and the cultures of the whole world!

We support the visa for all the artists in any country from 1999 until today. More than 9.000 artists get visas to participate in our Symposiums in so many countries!

We send email and call to the Embassies to support the visas.
Every artist that applies for visa have to get informed from the website of the Embassy about the required documents.

We send to the artists and the Embassies:

Official VISA Invitation
Invitation from UNESCO
Zervas Art Guarantee stamping from GR GOV
Zervas Art Official Details
Hotel Reservation of the accommodation
Reservation of the Congress Hall
General privet invitation
4 Confirmation – Posters of your participation
Payment Receipt
and more…

DON’T FORGET… the most important point is the trust of the embassy in your return to your country.
If the embassy trusts (in the interview) your return, your visa is absolutely sure!

If artists have the required documents they will get visa.
It is the low and no one can refuse one legal visa application!



Schengen Visa for Cultural / Sports / Religious Events



  1. Application form Complete the form with correct answers, print it, and then sign it at the end.
  2. Two identical photos The photos must be taken recently, within the last 3 months. They should also comply with the Schengen visa photo rules.
  3. Valid passport Your passport should be valid for another 3 months upon the date you plan to leave the Schengen Area. Passports older than 10 years are not accepted. Make sure it has at least two blank pages for the visa sticker. A copy of your passport’s data page (A4 size copy).
  1. Flight reservation Which specifies flight numbers and your entry and exit dates in the Schengen Zone. Find out how to get a flight reservation for your visa application for Cultural, Sports, Religious Event and Film Crews.
  2. Schengen Travel Insurance Your Europe insurance should cover the whole Schengen Area and the whole period of your stay, with a minimum of €30,000 for any medical emergencies, including repatriation in case of death.
  3. Means of Subsistence Proof on how your stay in Schengen will be financed. Any of the following documents could do: Your bank account statements. Confirming you has the necessary amount for your period of stay.
  4. Proof of civil status Marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.
  5. Personal Covering Letter In this letter you should explain the reason why you need to enter the Schengen Area, and what you will be doing throughout your time there.
  6. Proof of accommodation You will need to show where you will be staying while you are in the Schengen territory. You can do so, by submitting one of the following documents:
  7. Hotel Booking A document issued by the hotel specifying its address and other contact details, as well as your period of stay there.
  8. Letter of Invitation Written by a person residing in the Schengen country you plan to visit, showing their willingness to make a place for you in their home, for your whole period of stay.
  9. Letter of sponsorship by an institution / organization A letter issued by the relevant authorities who will be sponsoring your trip to the Schengen Zone, containing information on the purpose of your trip, and all the expenses that will be covered.

Documents based on applicant’s employment status:

If employed:
Employment contract
Approved Leave letter from your company
Pay slips for the last 6 months
Income Tax Return

If self-employed:
A copy of your business license,
Company’s bank statement of the latest 6 months
Income Tax Return (ITR)


I aggree with the Terms and Conditions



  +30 2610 994 804

 Head office: 9 Androutsou str | Agios Vasilios 
             26504 | Patras, Greece



   Founder – Owner – President  Panagiotis Milt. Zervas   

   Founder – Vice President  Antigoni D. Diakatou

   General Manager  Irene Pan. Zervas

   General Secretary  Miltiadis Pan. Zervas





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