
Romania | Professor In The National Art University From Bucharest
I was born on August 28, 1964 in Aiud. I am a graduate of the Romulus Ladea High School of Arts in Cluj-Napoca 1983, a graduate of the National University of Art in Bucharest 1992, of the West University in Timişoara 1997 – Faculty of Orthodox Theology, of the Superior School of Fine Arts in Athens 2002.
Doctor of the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca 2006 and of the University of Athens 2008.
I participated in 87 group exhibitions and opened 24 personal exhibitions in the country and abroad (1982, 1983 Aiud History Museum, 1994 “St. Sava” National College Bucharest, 1994 “Căminul Artei” Gallery Bucharest, 1995 “Helios” Gallery “Timişoara, 1996 Municipal Gallery Athens, 1997 “Spiru Haret” Theoretical High School Bucharest, 1997 “Orizont” Gallery Bucharest, 1999 Galena de Artă Alba Iulia, 2000 “La Provence” Gallery Alba Iulia, 2000 Ecole National Superioure des Beaux Arts Paris, 2000 “Etinne des Caussanes” Gallery Paris, 2000 Municipal Gallery Athens, 2000 Romanian Embassy Athens, 2000 Eglise Saint Louise des Invalides Paris, 2001 “Zervas” Gallery Rio, 2002 “Căminul Artei” Gallery, Bucharest, 2003 “Teognis” Cultural Center Megara, 2003, 2004 Romanian Embassy, Athens, 2006 Municipal Gallery Athens, 2006, 2007, 2008 Art Museum, Cluj-Napoca).
I have benefited from 7 national and international scholarships.
I am a member of 5 creative associations (1993 Society of Drawing Teachers “Ioan Andreescu” Bucharest, 1994 U.A.P from Romania, 1995 “Henri Coandă” Foundation of Gifted Young People from Bucharest, 1999 U.A.P. from Greece, 2000 Association Internationale Des Arts Plastiques AIAP UNESCO, 2001 Association of Religious Fine Arts and Restoration from Romania).
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