
Mexico | Visual Artist, Graphic Designer, Professor, Researcher, Philosopher, Psychologist and Professional Writer.
Ms Vilchis is author of 32 books and 175 international chapters and papers. She is a member of Design Research Society (London), Design History Foundation (Barcelona), Design History Society (London), Franklin Furnace Archive (USA), Lifetime Member de Worldwide Branding, Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning or Teaching (MERLOT, CSU-USA), American Psychological Association (APA), The Professional Association for Design (AIGA), and Associate Editor from 17 Magazines and professional organizations in which she has refereed 234 worldwide projects, books and articles.
Pioneer in Mexico in the use of digital resources for arts and design, she organized four laboratories in universities and taught courses to more than 4,000 artists anddesigners. Lecturer and researcher, has given 95 courses and 168 conferences in41 countries. She has directed more than 250 theses.
The professor is a professional graphic designer with awards in Mexico andSwitzerland. She has exposed graphic artworks in 147 collective and individualexhibitions in 53 countries, currently represents Mexico in the International Artist’s Book Encounter.
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