zervas art

responsibility         marketing            walk           websites           contact           sponsors


In the context of the international artistic events of Zervas Art, which are hosted in the largest capitals of the world and Greece and come from the cultural profile of our country to the international community of art and culture, we have the honor to request your kind and valuable Sponsorship

With the conviction that the international artistic, scientific and cultural activities of Zervas Art, are an axis of a general development and also as modern culture is a presumption for the world history of the modern economy, we hope for your valuable financial support and the inclusion of the proposal in the policy of your company’s CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.

The magnitude of the quality, the guarantee of success, the international promotion, the research and generally the high level of artistic events of Zervas Art, the serious challenge and the invitation to the international community of art, culture, science and tourism and we hope it will be the occasion for your positive response and the start of our constructive cooperation.

 Τhe culture of duration in time

Get featured and interact with the specialized culture audience through the largest platform – worldwide – and promote your products and services successfully.

1999 – 2021 Zervas Art | 22 years of work experience, consistency and innovation have given us the 1st position and step by step, day by day, event by event, we have won the trust of the world market of art, science and culture.

We share the success with you and offer you the magnificent clientele that no one has had or approached until today.


 Let’s travel the world together

Together, we make the responsibility towards human a journey through time.
We have been working for 22 years 365 days a year | 24 hours a day.
But nothing belongs to us.
Everything belongs to life!
We invest in culture for the journey of our actions in perpetuity!
Because the end of “things” belongs to art!
Art is like an answer to a question no one has ever asked.
Let’s answer together the question that no one – ever asked!
Art and culture are always the next step for eternity.

cost €50,000 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The Global Mentor logo is displayed:
1. in the brand name (eg Zervas Art – Mentor)
2. in the main Logo (header) on all 28 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.

cost €30,000 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The logo of the Annual Sponsor is displayed in the main Logo (header) on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.

cost €10,000 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The logo of the Annual Sponsor is displayed in a special banner – at the bottom – on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.

cost €5,000 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The logo of the Annual Sponsor is displayed in a special banner – at the bottom – on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.
Logo dimensions: ½ of the Gold Sponsor

cost €1,000 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The logo of the Annual Sponsor is displayed in a special banner – at the bottom – on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.
Logo dimensions: ¼ of the Gold Sponsor

cost €500 / 12 months of promotion / 24h per day
The logo of the Annual Supporter is displayed in a special banner – at the bottom – on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform, in order to prompt visitors to the Sponsor’s website.
Logo dimensions:  of the Golden Sponsor


100% of the target group of promotions and advertising campaigns are users related to art, science and culture. 

1. Inclusion and display of the Logo in a special banner – at the bottom – on all 26 Websites of Zervas Art platform
2. Display of the logo on 2 Banners 300 x 100cm at each event
3. Daily promotion of the logo in the 18 different Facebook communities, with a total of 40,000 friends + their friends, from 120 countries (age:20 – 65+) with a daily result of more than 35,000 viewers
4. Daily display of your logo in promotions on 15 different facebook profiles to a total of 80,000 friends (5 posts + 1,000 tags 15) 20 countries (age: 20 – 65+) with a daily result of more than 120,000 viewers
5. Promotion of the web sites & logos of the Sponsors on the websites of the 5 main advertising campaigns:
6. a. 3,550,000+ visitors – from all over the world – per month to the projects’ websites
7. b. 100,000+ local visitors per month
8. c. 8,000,000+ viewers per month
9. Daily display of your logo in all online forms (letters, posters, e-mails)
10. Daily promotion of 5 different Instagram posts with 20 hashtags
11. Daily display of your logo in the workplace (Sponsor’s material)
12. Other extra promotions
13. A weekly update (confirmation) is provided for the results of the advertising Campaigns
14. Zervas Art offers “free” works of art of equal value to the sponsored amount.

Partner, director of Zervas Art undertakes the creation of a related documentary for each action and event, which will be permanently advertised on YouTube and will promote the sponsors.

The official, annual measurements concerning all of our promotional actions amount to:

95,000,000+ from advertising campaigns
38,000,000+ from promotions

35,000,000+ from advertising campaigns
12,000,000+ from promotions

8,000,000+ Viewers
2,000,000+ Visitors

For each project we create 10-15 Facebook Events on each of the 15 profiles we manage. Each campaign/event invites a total of 80,000 people. Thus, 15 profiles correspond to 150 Facebook Events. 10 projects send a total of 200,000 invitations per year.
600,000 individual-name invitations (minimum) are sent per event to 80,000 friends, on an annual basis.


Every day we post 5 posters with 2,000 tags on the “walls” of our 80,000 “friends”, so we can conquer at least 120,000 viewers daily, “our friends” and “friends of friends”. Calculating the minimum metrics we conquer more than 3,500,000 viewers per month.

Each participant in the events and services is awarded by 3-4 Certificates from UNESCO and Zervas Art, with the DIAMOND SPONSOR logo


Facebook – Instagram

For each Project we aim at approximately 250,000,000 users who are visual artists, art historians, academic artists, collectors, gallerists, art students, art lovers etc. from 160 countries.

In all advertising campaigns, we achieve annually:
a. 95,000,000+ viewers
b. 35,000,000+ clicks / visitors
c. 2,000,000+ local visitors

Every measurement is official and can be confirmed at any time.

The logos of all Sponsors – of each category – are displayed on an annual basis:

a. In all the promotional work of the 5 main advertising campaigns in:
1. ART SYMPOSIUMS (Paris – New York – Santorini)

b. In all of the 26 websites of the Zervas Art platform Zervas Art

  1. Τέχνη στους Δήμους
  2. World Federation
  3. Louvre Art Cosmos
  4. Paris Art Symposium
  5. New York Art
  6. Santorini Art
  7. Abu Dhabi Art
  8. Tunisia Art
  9. Casablanca Art
  10. Online Art Gallery
  11. E- Creation
  12. Certificates
  13. Master Classes
  14. Art Academy
  15. Real Estate
  16. Global Art
  17. Win Zervas Art Coins
  18. Orders & Services
  19. Art Encyclopedia
  20. Artists
  21. Academic Art
  22. Donations
  23. Youth Culture
  24. Genesis
  25. Art Magazine
  26. Sponsorship
  27. GR Art

The term Corporate Social Responsibility refers to the actions of businesses that aim to contribute to addressing environmental and social issues. In particular, businesses are entities that are inextricably connected to the society in which they operate, influencing and being influenced by the data of their time and place of action. Therefore, they must recognize their responsibility towards society and the environment. That is, to respect the principles and values that characterize our culture (respect for human – human dignity and the provision of equal opportunities, respect for the environment we inherited and the improvement of living standards and quality of life.

“World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” is a comprehensive application for Business Culture, with branches (franchises) in 40 Countries until today.

However, before looking at the definition of business culture, it is necessary to understand what cultural business is.

Culture reflects the accepted norms and values and traditional behavior of our multi-cultural organization for 22 years.

The culture of each member country develops in mathematical progression and has its own beliefs, values and activities.

Zervas Art Culture can be defined as an evolving set of collective beliefs, values, activities and behaviors.

Culture is a key component of Zervas Art, it impacts the strategic direction of cultural entrepreneurship and influences management, decisions and all business functions from accounting to production and development.

Zervas Art’s business culture relates to behavior, ethics, etiquette and includes the organization’s values, visions, way of working, beliefs and habits centered around coexistence and diversity.

In the ancient as well as the modern history of the economy and development, the most decisive factor was and is the participation of culture and intellectual products in the economy of development.

The development course of a country, society, period, market, is the result of inspired movements and correlations, the result of products of thought and spirit, where the cultural basis and perspectives of the ongoing argument participate as a mathematical axiom.

When interpreting the history of the economic development of countries or markets, we find that there have never been individual numerical operations that lasted even a little while, on the contrary, where the causes and occasions of economic development were balanced with “products” of culture and science, we observe duration and multiple deployment applications.

In the context of the possibilities provided by the well-planned course of our actions in the international Culture community, issues of multiple forms of development are added, concerning the Corporate Social Responsibility of a modern economy.

The establishment of ART SYMPOSIUMS for 22 years as a leading, international organization that challenges the international artistic and scientific community, is a station in the field of art, with broad and real perceptions, adding to cultural development and the culture of the economy.

In the context of the implementation of the Artistic Program ART IN LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT implemented in the Greek Municipalities and Communities, Zervas Art has the honor to inform you about it and invite you to participate in the program through your kind sponsorship and to support the exhibitions of international interest in Greek Municipalities for 3 days. The 22-year experience and continuous presence of World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs in international art events, and the preparation of the Program with the support of the Ministry of the Interior and the cooperation of TEDC Achaia, guarantee the success of the Program which is a valuable and global cultural asset that aims at the artistic development of the frontier and borderline of our country.

The targeted promotion of the four (4) websites of the program is done with professionalism, for one month on Facebook & Instagram, with all the citizens of each municipality separately, from 18 years of age and older.
Minimum expected performance of 50,000 viewers and 3,500 visitors per day in each municipality.

View Exhibition
View Twinning


The artistic actions of “Zervas Art” have achieved a great position in international art events, since since 1999 it has been the protagonist and implements the International Painting Symposiums with the researches contained therein.

In total, more than 10,500 distinguished artists/painting teachers have participated and been hosted in the Art Fairs, making the institution an international arts center and an important factor in the culture policy of each country that hosts the events.

The parallel benefits can vary as long as the state takes care to exploit with planning and perspectives the achievements, which derive from: the international visibility, the high level of organization, the high level of art and make the country a destination, not only for immigrants but also of high level cultural tourism.

Every year – for 22 years – the actions of “Zervas Art” are chosen by the Universities and Academies of Fine Arts and the artist professors of at least 50 countries, as the most important participation proposal for artistic creation and research.



million viewers


million visitors


Branches club


Years work

25-30 March 2023

15-21 May 2023

25-31 May 2023

05-15 June 2023

25-30 July 2023

06-11 May 2023


01-10 September 2023

20-25 June 2023

24-30 November 2023


01-08 Sept 2024



Artworks Demonstration in your Space   |  Art Auctions    |   Art posters   |  Artworks Demonstration in your Space   |   Aesthetic Upgrade Indoor & Outdoor Spaces   Decoration Business Premises   |  Digital Marketing  |  Kids Painting Symposium    Numbered Silkscreens   |  Symposium of Young Artists     Web Promotion  |  Wedding List Authentic Artworks   |  Wedding List Certified Numbered Reproductions  

Thank you for your precious interest


 zervasart@gmail.com9 Androutsou str  Rion 26504  Patras  Greece 

   +30 2610 994 804                 +30 6975 758 967 |




Fill out the form and choose the size of your participation in the art and your contribution to the artists.
We lead the world in culture – together!


24 years of honoring our sponsors!
We honor every euro of our sponsors, we work on it and make it a project
Zervas art is your – unique – global creation

zervas art, the 60 presidents of zervas art clubs from all over the world and the 10,000 global artists -partners- 


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