of the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs
Panagiotis Miltiades Zervas
& the Vice President Antigoni Diakatou – Zervas

Dear Presidents, partners and friends-visitors,
First of all I want to thank from my heart and congratulate the prestigious presidents of Zervas Art Clubs around the world who are the basis of the organization.
The World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs was established to become an International Artistic, Cultural & Scientific Organization based in every country and city.
The purpose of the Zervas Art Clubs that are set up daily is – through its actions – to awaken uplifted societies and consciences and to add a new “Culture Policy” focusing on the people of every country, culture, religion and mentality.
The value table is on a zero basis and the values begin – anyway – to be redefined as a consequence of the multi-crisis in every level.
The judgment of values has come as a logical result to confirm the failure of education, visions, politics and, more generally, the systems of administration or demagogy, but also of the doctrines generally.
Culture was and is the nucleus where every virtual or real artistic, social, political or religious system is based and hosted.
It is now the political solution and the dynamic headline in rebuilding the list of values.
Art, on the other hand, is the primary factor of civilization. Art is preceded by everything, and it is a irrational answer
but also a deeper approach to the mystery of human existence. Culture is slowly following it so that with effort and blood it will be possible to create the new table, which will be characterized by the everlasting values of a true reality.
International Artistic, Cultural and Scientific Organization “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” invites and selects dynamic and distinguished presidents for the establishment of Zervas Art Clubs around the world, presenting a pioneering program in every country and city.
Get the special offer of our organization
Do not miss this rare opportunity
World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs, at first of all is a global cultural centers with social responsibility (CSR) which is going to be realized with the best terms for the new Ambassadors & Presidents now in the covid period.
Our responsibility and our goal is the development of the Culture – Art – Science, the development of our common organization. The Board of the Federation decided at 21|10|2022 to chance policy and offer Special Rates with the lowest registration fee for the Copyrights.
Get the unique Franchise of Cultural Bussines and be Ambassador or President of the “Zervas Art Club” in your country | region | city
The special offer will apply until 30|06|2025
from 01|07|2025 will apply the normal fees
Ambassador called the leader holding of Copyrights:
President called the leader holding of Copyrights:
ZERVAS ART CLUB in Countries, in Regions, in Capitals, in Municipalities
All Zervas Art Clubs in each country are required to register as members in the National Unions of Zervas Art Clubs in their country.
Responsibilities of the Unions:
- The registration of the members (Presidents) of all Zervas Art Clubs of their country with a registration fee of € 20 – 100 and will be withheld by Unions.
- The establishment of new Clubs and the development of the Organization in their country or in another country. Unions keep 30% of the Registration Fees (Copyrights) from their registrations.
- Unions will get 12% – 30% from all the events and services of “Zervas Art”, that they will use or sale by them self.
- Zervas Art offer 12% for any registration that Union will send to the Zervas Art events
- Will get the 3% from the amounts that have to pay the members Zervas Art Clubs of the country to the Federation.
- The collection of the Annual Subscription of the Clubs and the payment of 70% of the collected amount to the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs. 30% of the amount collected will be withheld by Unions.
- The cooperation, support and activation of all Clubs in their country.
- The coordination, cooperation and executive management of the Clubs without the right to interfere in their (legal) work.
- The payment of the Annual Subscription of 70% to the Federation.
- The legal and the statutory operation of the Clubs.
- The removal of any President who violates the statutory rules of the Organization.
- The organization of the annual National General Assembly where all the Ambassadors – Presidents of all the Clubs of the country will participate, with a participation cost that is a decision of the Union.
- The registration of ordinary members with an annual fee which is a decision of the Union.
- Their participation in the Annual World Conference of Ambassadors – Presidents of the Organization that will take place every May in Patras-Greece for 3 days. Participation cost with full hospitality and touristic program = 450 € (the event will take place the May of 2022).
– Every Union or Club have the right to organize this event in his country – city.-
All Zervas Art Clubs in each country are required to register as members of the National Unions of Zervas Art Clubs.
Zervas Art Clubs in Countries are responsible for:
- Clubs will get 12% – 30% from all the events and services of “Zervas Art”, that they will use or sale by them self.
- Zervas Art offer 12% for any registration that Clubs will send to the Zervas Art events
- Payment of their registration fee to the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs of their country.
- The establishment of new Clubs and the development of the Organization in their country or in another country. They keep 30% of the Registration Fees.
- The cooperation and mutual support between the Clubs of their country.
- The payment of the Annual Subscription of 150 € to the Federation.
- Their legal and statutory operation.
- Their participation in the annual national General Assembly of the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs,where all the Ambassadors – Presidents of all the Clubs of the country will participate. The registration of members with an annual fee which is a decision of the Unions.
- Their participation in the Annual World Conference of Ambassadors – Presidents of the Organization that will take place every May in Patras-Greece for 3 days. Participation cost with full hospitality and touristic program = 450 € (the event will take place the May 2022).
– Every Union or Club have the right to organize this event in his country – city.-

All Zervas Art Clubs in each country are required to register as members of the National Unions of Zervas Art Clubs.
Zervas Art Clubs in Countries are responsible for:
- Clubs will get 12% – 30% from all the events and services of “Zervas Art”, that they will use or sale by them self.
- Zervas Art offer 12% for any registration that Clubs will send to the Zervas Art events
- Payment of their registration fee to the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs of their country.
- The establishment of new Clubs and the development of the Organization in their country or in another country. They keep 30% of the Registration Fees.
- The cooperation and mutual support between the Clubs of their country.
- The payment of the Annual Subscription of 150 € to the Federation.
- Their legal and statutory operation.
- Their participation in the annual national General Assembly of the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs,where all the Ambassadors – Presidents of all the Clubs of the country will participate. The registration of members with an annual fee which is a decision of the Unions.
- Their participation in the Annual World Conference of Ambassadors – Presidents of the Organization that will take place every May in Patras-Greece for 3 days. Participation cost with full hospitality and touristic program = 450 € (the event will take place the May 2022).
– Every Union or Club have the right to organize this event in his country – city.-
All Zervas Art Clubs in each Capital are required to register as members of the National Unions of Zervas Art Clubs.
Zervas Art Clubs in Capitals are responsible for:
- Clubs will get 12% – 30% from all the events and services of “Zervas Art”, that they will use or sale by them self.
- Zervas Art offer 12% for any registration that Clubs will send to the Zervas Art events
- Payment of their registration fee to the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs of their country.
- The establishment of new Clubs and the development of the Organization in their country or in another country. They keep 30% of the Registration Fees.
- The cooperation and mutual support between the Clubs of their country.
- The payment of the Annual Subscription of 150 € to the Federation.
- Their legal and statutory operation.
- Their participation in the annual national General Assembly of the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs,where all the Ambassadors – Presidents of all the Clubs of the country will participate. The registration of members with an annual fee which is a decision of the Unions.
- Their participation in the Annual World Conference of Ambassadors – Presidents of the Organization that will take place every May in Patras-Greece for 3 days. Participation cost with full hospitality and touristic program = 450 € (the event will take place the May 2022).
– Every Union or Club have the right to organize this event in his country – city.-
All Zervas Art Clubs in each Municipality of every country are required to register as members of the National Unions of Zervas Art Clubs.
Zervas Art Clubs in Municipalities are responsible for:
- Clubs will get 12% – 30% from all the events and services of “Zervas Art”, that they will use or sale by them self.
- Zervas Art offer 12% for any registration that Clubs will send to the Zervas Art events
- Payment of their registration fee to the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs of their country.
- The establishment of new Clubs and the development of the Organization in their country or in another country. They keep 30% of the Registration Fees.
- The cooperation and mutual support between the Clubs of their country.
- The payment of the Annual Subscription of 150 € to the Federation.
- Their legal and statutory operation.
- Their participation in the annual national General Assembly of the National Union of Zervas Art Clubs,where all the Ambassadors – Presidents of all the Clubs of the country will participate. The registration of members with an annual fee which is a decision of the Unions.
- Their participation in the Annual World Conference of Ambassadors – Presidents of the Organization that will take place every May in Patras-Greece for 3 days. Participation cost with full hospitality and touristic program = 450 € (the event will take place the May 2020).
– Every Union or Club have the right to organize this event in his country – city.-
The Annual Fee for the legal operation of the Ambassadors and Presidents of the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs is set at € 150.
All Unions and Clubs are required to pay the Annual Fee every 10th of January.
All Clubs are required to pay the Annual Fee to the Unions. In case of any problem the Union is obliged to pay the fee directly to the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs.

You’re Welcome to Found and be Presidents of “ZERVAS ART CLUB” in your country or city. Be members of the “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs”! In every country in every city!
We have the pleasure to inform you that “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” is in process to found Clubs (NGO) in many countries around the world.
We are interested to collaborate with you, if you have the possibilities and the members to open it and be the General President of “Zervas Art Club” in your city / country.
World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs give you an in-depth insight into Business Culture across 30 Countries until today. However, before you look at the business culture definition it is necessary to understand what cultural business is. Culture illustrates the accepted norms and values and traditional behavior of a group. One definition of culture by Deal and Kennedy is “the way a we do things around here”. However, culture also evolves over time. The culture of each country has its own beliefs, values and activities. In other words culture can be defined as an evolving set of collective beliefs, values, activities and attitudes. Culture is a key component in business and has an impact on the strategic direction of cultural business. Culture influences management, decisions and all business functions from accounting to production and the development. You may now be thinking predominantly about national culture but this is only one aspect, business culture is its own unique dimension that includes getting off on the right foot, meetings, negotiation, formalities, social media use, internships and work placements and other elements. Business culture is related to behavior, ethics, etiquette and more. A business culture will encompass as organization’s values, visions, working style, beliefs and habits.
Zervas Art” from 1999 since today is activated into 160 countries, having scratch out an important and continuously arisen route. In addition, I have created an international stream of art and artists, which influences or/and directs, in many cases, the international market of art. Zervas Art, created in 2006 the International Scientific Artistic Committee (I.S.A.C.), which is constituted by 20 artists/professors from Universities of fine Arts from 20 countries, which hold meetings frequently by mails, for the program, the research and generally for the important matters which concerns each period. International Art Fairs are the most important annual scientific and artistic organization. It was founded in 1999 and every year organize 12-15 artistic and scientific events and participate almost 500 selected and internationally awarded artists/professors from Universities and Academies of Fine Arts as well. At 2017 created the “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” and today is based in 30 countries with 30 Zervas Art Clubs.
is the largest – the only Artistic, Scientific and Cultural Organization, with the largest network in the world with presence in over 140 countries, 52 ZERVAS ART CLUBS, 52 Presidents, over 8,000 associates and more than 200,000 member friends. ZERVAS ART dominates the global culture market with more than 40 events per year.
What makes ZERVAS ART the right choice for FRANCHISE today is: its comparative advantages, leading the global cultural network, continuing education, know-how and a strong world brand name.
ZERVAS ART dominates the global culture market with more than 40 events per year.
By opening a ZERVAS ART CLUB, you invest in a FRANCHISE with very low set up costs and low running costs, with free Secretarial Support and at the same time with high potential for goals and benefits.
By joining ZERVAS ART’s FRANCHISE network, you work for yourself but you’re not alone. In the large family of W.F.Z.A.C. you enjoy the benefits of an independent business organization and at the same time your first step W.F.Z.A.C. and all the people on the network are there to support you every moment.
Come and become the Founder & President of ZERVAS ART CLUN in your country or your city!
Get the chance to change your life and live in the amazing world of a grand International Cultural, Artistic & Scientific Organization.
You’re Welcome to Found and be Presidents of “ZERVAS ART CLUB” in your country”! Be members of the “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs”! In every country in every big city!
We have the pleasure to inform you that “World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs” is in process to found Clubs (NGO) in many countries around the world.
World Federation of Zervas Art selected active persons and is interested to collaborate with common basic the development.
if you have the possibilities and the members to open it, you are welcome to be the General President of “Zervas Art Club” in your city / country.
Zervas Art Club will be around the 5 most famous VIPS of culture in every country.
Zervas Art Club is one of the greatest Artistic, Cultural & Scientific Organization in whole the world, with about 80.000 friends and followers in 75 countries! So the President and the members are going to have a lot of benefits.
Zervas Art Club will be the most important Artistic, Cultural & Scientific Organization for any country.
Member Card (powerful European & international cultural document)
National & International promotion for free
National & International artistic & cultural Collaborations
Many privileges in the National Artistic, Cultural & Scientific Communities
One of the founding values and guiding principles of the World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs is throughout its history has been its contribution to the progress and prosperity of the world society of culture, on which the Organization long-term and sustainable business success depends.
Standing by these principles, WFZAC has developed a corporate culture that reflects the Organization desire to function responsibly in all the sectors that contribute to sustainable growth, including the market, culture, workers, the community at large and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility is “a concept whereby companies integrate social, cultural, artistic and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.” Stakeholders are “natural and legal persons who are affected directly or indirectly by its decisions and its operations, including artists, collectors, employees, the business community, NGOs, local communities, the government, and media.”

Stakeholders are “natural and legal persons who are affected directly or indirectly by its decisions and its operations, including artists, collectors, employees, the business community, NGOs, local communities, the government, and media.”
Participation of Sponsors in the welfare of the community
Business activity has always been propelled by the need to make sufficient profit that it can continue to function within the culture in which it works and grows. In recent years, new conditions generated by the globalized economy have highlighted the need for businesses to participate in social development, and require that corporations pull their weight in helping society and cultures to develop and prosper. Socially responsible companies should make firm commitments to issues such as supporting of cultures, quality of service, the potential to create, defend human rights, protect the environment and preserve the cultural heritage—all key components of CSR. As both an internal company process and an external function, CSR should permeate the sum of activities of modern-day businesses.
World Sponsors are welcome to work and support together the World Culture.World Federation of Zervas Art Clubs and Corporate Social Responsibility
Having undertaken the role of “responsible citizen” vis-à-vis the community in which it operates, throughout its long history from 1999 onwards , Organization has consistently demonstrated its respect for human values, the welfare of the community, support for entrepreneurship, the preservation of world culture, support for letters and the arts.